created by andres chung jr
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  • Meet Mr. Porno Slug, well... he's NOT part of my characters and casts of THE ANTHRONESS, but he'd do just find then. He's sees naked girls, sees girl sex with girls, & he's having sex with all the girls around the world, like china, Japan, Italy, Mexico, Canada, everywhere just he can't have enough to do so much.

    Why do you called Mr. Porno Slug? Well that simple. ^_^

    5 things about him
    1. He's a slug
    2. He's small
    3. He like prono
    4. He's having sex with alote of girls
    5. Did I mention he's married? O_O JUST KIDDING! LOL! XD *cough*
    He's one of the most cuttiest and funniest horny slug.

    The next sketch of Mr. Porno Slug will be shown soon.

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