created by ruaidri

Take it, bitch!

This is just a doodle, being posted to scraps, because it was one of those things I really didn't want to draw, but had no choice because the idea was stuck in my head.

See, it's inspired by my dog... see, we gave her this blanket, to lay on and sleep on and such, we leave it on the floor and it's hers. But every once in a while, for some reason, she'll grab the thing and basically... do this with it. Which is confusing on a few levels, since it doesn't seem like an action a female dog would take, really, at least not naturally...

It's disturbing to be perfectly honest xD But I have a feeling it's got more to do with a dominance thing than a sexual thing... really I have no idea. If you guys have any theories, feel free to let me know.

But anyway, I kept getting the silly image of an anthro doing the same thing. It wouldn't go away, so I got it out by doodling it :P Anatomy and everything is all gone to hell I know, because it was a fast doodle... I'm a very slow artist, and I have to try really hard to keep things good, so when I don't, they get crappy pretty fast. But I don't care, it was just for fun.

Anyway, uh... enjoy? I dunno xD

Edit: No thumb for this one, 'cause it doesn't really feel dirty or like porn, it's just weird...

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