jaiy (limes guy) created by tirrel
  • Comments
  • You could be inaptor maybe, MAYBEEE, but that´s just a guess, maybe it´s because of the hooves, but that´s just too implausible.

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  • whatyousay? said:
    Thumbs are overrated. The only thing I'd have a problem with is writing, but soon I won't need a thumb to do that either.

    You don't need thumbs to write, just grab the pen in your fist, if that's too brutish, get a finger pen. If you want to type, then remap your keyboard, or buy a custom keyboard.

    This way you can donate your thumbs to deers in need!

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  • Chessax said:
    You don't need thumbs to write, just grab the pen in your fist, if that's too brutish, get a finger pen. If you want to type, then remap your keyboard, or buy a custom keyboard.

    This way you can donate your thumbs to deers in need!

    Damn, now I can't give this genius a thumbs up coz I donated my thumbs.

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  • whatyousay? said:
    Damn, now I can't give this genius a thumbs up coz I donated my thumbs.

    The fact you donated your thumbs is more than I could ever ask for, however I can give you a replacement thumb (up) in return.

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  • whatyousay? said:
    Damn, now I can't give this genius a thumbs up coz I donated my thumbs.

    Revolutionary idea... You can only give thumbs to two things on e621... For the obvious reason of only having two thumbs.

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  • Come to think of it, how did he even put that shirt on? even if he had hands, the antlers would rip the shirt anyway.

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  • Is this you? Tired of dropping all of your stuff after a random transformation into a blue and brown whateverthefuck?


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