created by ruaidri

Intense cleaning [Disclaimer, not my art!]

This is a lovely picture from my love, and naughty ottie.m-ree .
She commissioned it from us, and it is so nice, I had to write a little story to go with it. Enjoy! ^-^


The sound of the waves was all Mirera cared to hear or think about as she stretched out on the sandy beach. A long day was spent splashing around in the water with her lover, and she was tired.
"I wonder where she went off to..." The cat sat up, and through narrow, slitted eyes, she gazed at the distanced waters; hoping to catch a glimpse of the little otter. Children giggled and ran around in the shallow waters, with their parents at their heels, a handful of other passersby walked about, but no sign of that white fluffball.
The sun felt so nice and warm, and the breeze rolling off of the waves was perfect. "I could lie here forever..." She yawned again, considering taking a little nap. "I shouldn't though... not like I could anyway, with my fur and skin feeling like this." The feline's fur was beginning to dry and crust with salt and sand, and she groaned in distaste as she felt the caked on mixture crack and crumble with her movements. Reluctantly, she stood up. Loose sand fell away from her fur, and she shook herself to free any more. "A bubble bath would be great about now..." she sighed. The feline turned around, and spotted some public showers and restrooms on the board walk. Or a scouring hot shower... The thought was so appealing, that she felt a purr rise up in her throat.
"Well, that's that then." Mirera took one last glace at the waves and beach. "I won't be gone too long. She'll know I didn't leave." She started towards the showers, taking long but careful strides through the sand, and yet, she still managed to almost break an ankle.

The restroom was nice, and aside from another woman in a bathroom stall, she was alone. The tiled floors were slick with water and drying suds, so she was careful when she walked. I'm almost destined to break something when I come here. she chuckled to herself. After a quick survey of the place, to make sure no one was looking, Mirera slid off her bathing suit, and set it aside on a bench.

Closely packed together and with no curtains for privacy, the showers were not ideal. Mirera was certain she would have to be quick. The feline was quite shy about her nudity and figure, and did not want to be so exposed for more time than was needed. Thankfully it was a weekday, and not too many people were here, she was grateful there was only one other woman in this restroom. She turned the shower dial, until cool water sprayed out of the nozzle, and then more until the water grew warm. Sunlight glittered on the drops of water from a window on the ceiling. The natural light helped Mirera ease her nerves, and she stepped into the shower.
"Ahhh..." the feline sighed, letting the water soak her. She glanced down, and smiled; satisfied at the amounts of sand going down the drain. She grabbed a bar of soap and rubbed it between her padded palms until suds engulfed her paws. The sound of another shower going off startled her, but she assumed it was just the woman in the stall, and kept her eyes on the bar of soap.
There was a giggle, and humming, echoing queerly through the place. Mirera's curiosity grew too much, and she started to turn to see what the woman looked like-- POP The soap suddenly flew out of her palms and on to the tiled floor. She heard another giggle, and quickly bent over to grab the elusive bar of soap.

"You know what they say about dropping the soap." A webbed foot, with red nail polish on the claws, stepped in front of Mirera, and before she knew it, bright blue eyes gazed back at her own. The otter grinned and giggled, snatching the soap up before Mirera could.

"Oh-- You. You butt. Y-you totally scared me!" Mirera giggled and blushed, quite embarrassed, realizing the woman in the stall was m-ree all along. She must have been in here before me... or... maybe not. She didn't think much of it and reached for the soap, but M-ree kept it away.

"Good!" M-ree grinned, and grasped at one of Mirera's nipples, pinching it. The already blushing Mirera, grew more pink and turned back the the water.
"How about I help you clean?" M-ree asked, innocently, she had already bubbled up the soap.

Cautious of the otter, Mirera nodded and let m-ree lather her up with bubbles. The otter was very thorough, too thorough. She massaged the cats heavy breasts, tenderly, tugging and pinching the nipples as her fingers grazed over them. "We can' know... we have to be quick in here. Just a shower." Mirera squeaked and closed her eyes, quite red and flustered. She knew M-ree would do what she will, and loved to tease her kitty, but Mirera had to try. This was a public place, and so... so open!
The otter made no reply, but Mirera had a feeling there was a giant grin plastered across her muzzle.
M-ree made her way down, slowly, but surely to the feline's sweet spot. Mirera held her breath, as the otter rubbed and "cleaned" her down there. A groan escaped Mirera's lips, as webbed fingers toyed at her entrance, and edged near her arse. "Love, please... Some one will see..." The cat whimpered, as the fingers made their way inside of her. She blushed heavily, and yearned for more. The otter's fingers knew what to do, and where to push and tug.
"So, what? Let them see." The otter had a devilish smile in her tone. Her fingers worked at the Mirera's holes. She knelt down to her knees, her rudder curled around her and she went to work "cleaning". With the index and middle finger in one hole, and ring and pinky in the other, she pumped, and tugged. Deft fingers spread wide and around, and she smiled, gazing up at the helpless kitty. Mirera's body and face showed no signs of wanting this to end, and she reveled in it, victoriously. She liked to test her kitty's limits, and the whimpers and moans echoing off the walls were rewarding.

M-ree pulled her fingers out, and stood back up, looking at Mirera. The feline swayed, dazed. "W-why..."
"Why, what?" The otter tilted her head, smiling."Why did I stop?"
Mirera only gazed at her, but her expression said it all, and the otter couldn't help but let loose a giggle. "Well, because you are all clean, that is why." She said in a matter-of-fact manner, smiling.
"O-oh. Yeah." Mirera smiled, clearly flustered and embarrassed. A part of her wished she had fought off the otter more since this would only increase the likelyhood of the otter doing even crazier stuff with her in the future. And she gets so cocky too... The feline thought, kicking herself. Still...she didn't want it to stop.
"Now, we need to wash those suds off." M-ree winked. Mirera nodded, solemnly, and started to rinse off, but the little otter was quick and grabbed the showerhead, unlatching it from its hinge. "You're supposed to shower like this, you know." she sly otter pointed the nozzle at the feline. Mirera flinched, as water sprayed at her torso, clearing the suds away. M-ree hummed happily, walking behind her, and Mirera purred, feeling more and more clean by the second. She was surprised that M-ree passed over her breasts with the nozzle, hardly paying any more attention there, than her arms or back. She found herself wondering how long they had been in here... and why no one had come into the restrooms...
She gasped, suddenly torn from her thoughts, as the sly otter had pointed the shower nozzle between her legs. M-ree giggled, and the water grew warmer. "What are you-" Mirera started.
"I told you... I am washing the suds away." M-ree grinned, and turned the pressure up.

A couple of beach goers stopped and turned their heads towards noises coming from the bathroom. Cries and groans echoing off the walls made them wonder what was going on. Concerned, few of the more curious ones headed to see, but were stopped at the entrance; the way was blocked with red ribbons, and a sign that read, "Closed for Cleaning."

Characters: mirera & m-ree
Story: mirera
Art: ruaidri

  • Comments
  • Such lovely looking ladies. Love how they are both a little plump. One of the best ways to use that type of shower head.

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