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Commission for Roy McCloud at fA.

  • Comments
  • Mittsies said:
    This guy's got talent.

    Indeed he does, however roymccloud only commissioned this and did not do the art, so his name as artist of this piece is unwarranted.

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  • Daneasaur said:
    Indeed he does, however roymccloud only commissioned this and did not do the art, so his name as artist of this piece is unwarranted.

    alrighties, i just figured it was a thing, since zapperzaku wanted to be included on his past commissions from me, etc.

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  • Beast_master13 said:
    Am I the only one that noticed that the poodle has red eyes?

    poodle's red eyes are intentional, part of Roy McCloud's character design for Laura.

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  • FuzzAmorous said:
    alrighties, i just figured it was a thing, since zapperzaku wanted to be included on his past commissions from me, etc.

    giving credit to the commissioner is fine on your page and whatnot, but on a place like this, it's rather irrelevant. in a database like this one, we'd want to know the artists involved, characters if applicable, species, and key fetishes. Adding a commissioner to the artist slot will only serve to confuse people and wind up giving unwarranted credit to someone who did not actually create the image.

    i'm not trying to sound assy here (though I no doubt am), but rather just trying to explain e621's layout.

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