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Latest version

TiTS 0.5.28 Typo? What typo?!

Fix a bunch of typos and bugs like null fluid quantities, scene crashes, mimbrane stuff, etc.

Big Changes Since Last Public Release?:

Gold Myr item vendor now available in Kressia.
Lieve added to Kressia.
Frog Girls added to Mhen’ga.
Taxi between the ant cities and “No Man’s Land” on myrellion is in.
Newbie help for those dying repeatedly at the start.
Bunches more busts.
Land mines
Gigacelise transformation.
New zil male scene.
New Flahne scene.
Futa Gianna!
More Kaede
Nyrea added to “No Man’s Land”
Wetraxxel added to myrellion.
Raskvel gang added to Tarkus.
Raskvel transformation item added to the game.
Orifice capacity buffed across the board for everyone.

All versions
  • Comments
  • Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
    It's like 7 or something :/

    I really wanted it to be, say, 20 or something.

    Yeah last time I played to max level I got my ass beat by the space pirate because he could just flat out hit me harder then I could hit him.

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  • Chysalises_Bitch42 said:
    I should stop playing these games. I've spent hours on end organisming to a screen with nothing but words.

    I am all too familiar with these feels.

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  • My computer died, had to reinstall everything... I lost, everything. A year and a half to nearly 2 years of playing this game through the versions... gone >.<

    Fenoxo plz help T.T

    Isn't there a way to get infinite credits at least? That way I could just fast track, though the gear, itemization and Credit-spending-Trigger events?

    I've spent way too much time on this game, just to do it all over again T.T

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  • Heh heh. 'Bollocks in triplicate', very well done, I should say. Pip pip, cheerio, I'm off to see the opera.

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  • Chysalises_Bitch42 said:
    I should stop playing these games. I've spent hours on end organisming to a screen with nothing but words.

    You say that like it's a bad thing.

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  • I just used a rainbotox, and this is what I got.
    Your lips itch. You immediately bring up your codex to check on your reflection. It’s just in time to show you blotches of peach spreading across them, forever changing their natural pigmentation.

    Your skin briefly itches. You look down to watch it changing to a fair pigmentation. At first, there’s just a spot here and there, but they expand until they’re joining together into one seemless coat of new color. You now have fair skin.

    Your shoulder-length, cerulean feather-hair rapidly shifts, turning sable starting at the roots and rapidly spreading outward to the tips. You have sable hair.

    ....damn. Too boring.

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  • Has anyone found a use for the platinum-190 other than for the bargaining for the probe? or another place to sell it

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  • Chysalises_Bitch42 said:
    I should stop playing these games. I've spent hours on end organisming to a screen with nothing but words.

    Never hurts to use a little imagination once in a while.

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  • I have a tail vagina, and I don't remember how I got it. and I wanna get rid of it, lol, anybody know how?

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  • Kiro-Kit said:
    I have a tail vagina, and I don't remember how I got it. and I wanna get rid of it, lol, anybody know how?

    #things you never hear out loud

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  • Kiro-Kit said:
    I have a tail vagina, and I don't remember how I got it. and I wanna get rid of it, lol, anybody know how?

    Go to Mhen'ga, talk to the Nursedriod at the east side of the town, below where you enter the jungle, talk to her, and click examination or what ever it is.

    Oh, and to avoid getting another tail-cunt, don't sick your dick in cunt-snakes.

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  • superunknown101 said:
    My computer died, had to reinstall everything... I lost, everything. A year and a half to nearly 2 years of playing this game through the versions... gone >.<

    Fenoxo plz help T.T

    Isn't there a way to get infinite credits at least? That way I could just fast track, though the gear, itemization and Credit-spending-Trigger events?

    I've spent way too much time on this game, just to do it all over again T.T

    Go re-download version 02.2
    It still has the debug room with credits, armour, a shield and some weapons.

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  • neepokra said:
    aw, they took out the debug mode :(

    It was removed due to bugs, however you can still use items infinitely if you type the cheat code "FURFAG"

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  • bluefoxdragon said:
    seriously!!! Someone please answer o.O

    references to pokemon and fantastic four in game probably

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  • Do you think in a future update they give you a chose to be full ausar or full kaithrit and let you see your character picture

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  • beastmode199777 said:
    Does anyone know where theses insurrectionists for the queens are because I can't find them anywhere.

    I got it by walking around the town the queens are in, someone should randomly stop you and give you a paper that tells the time and place of the meeting

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  • skybluemeth said:
    I got it by walking around the town the queens are in, someone should randomly stop you and give you a paper that tells the time and place of the meeting

    Thanks, helped me out there.

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  • Ah man they made it so that if you have boobs you are always referred to as a women (not sure about herms) that sucks. So when I rolled up a new character I chose male, then boobs, then the scientist started calling me the daughter.

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  • Just a note to Fenoxo about his upcoming 0.5.36 update: With the new playable entry of Kui-Tan, in the summary display right before you can customize your character further.., there's a typo.

    The kui-tan are a raccoon-like race who invariably have a phallus with multiple knots. They are also known to have fuzzy, rounded ears, fluffy tails bigger than many species’ adolescent young, and a balls that engorge with seed the longer they go without release.

    Do you see what I mean? I struck out the zone that conflicts...

    I know it is hard to go and re-code in a new varied instance of a situated event (I have tried several times to make a button-interface game similar to CoC, and failed)though I thought that could be an easy fix to deal with before someone goes whine-munching about it.

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