fenrir (smite) created by unknown artist
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  • Fenrir, son of Loki, is not a "were" or "werewolf" according to lore. Removing tags. As someone who actively plays SMITE, Fenrir is the bringer of Ragnarok and who kills Odin.

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  • Neifelhiem said:
    Fenrir, son of Loki, is not a "were" or "werewolf" according to lore. Removing tags. As someone who actively plays SMITE, Fenrir is the bringer of Ragnarok and who kills Odin.

    I don't like to be the guy who says these sort of things, but the system used on e621 is tag what you see.

    If it visually fits then it's not totally wrong, i don't want to start a tag war not be disrespectful towards you or anyone else.

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  • Genjar

    Former Staff

    Just_Another_Dragon said:
    If it visually fits then it's not totally wrong, i don't want to start a tag war not be disrespectful towards you or anyone else.

    How does it fit?
    Werewolves are humans transformed into wolves. What makes this a werewolf, instead of an anthro wolf?

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  • Genjar said:
    How does it fit?
    Werewolves are humans transformed into wolves. What makes this a werewolf, instead of an anthro wolf?

    Without any knowledge, this could perfectly fit a worgen death knight. Fits completely in the description.

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  • Genjar said:
    How does it fit?
    Werewolves are humans transformed into wolves. What makes this a werewolf, instead of an anthro wolf?

    Giving an analysis of the picture on itself you see an seemingly aggressive mindless anthro wolf on a snowy place in midst of a snow storm, there are dim lights floating around giving the feel that it's night time, there's no real evidence that it is in fact a full moon and he is a werewolf but it could be, it's the feeling i get from this picture.

    I'll just be stopping here discussions on the comment section always lead to bad terms for all parties involved, the ending statement that it's quite ambiguous and i'm really not sure if it is or isn't i just think It could be. (Which is one of the problems of TWYS a single image could be X different of things varying on the person analyzing it.)

    I don't want to sound like a douchebag or anything like this, i don't want anyone to think this is a condescending comment and that my opinion is the law it's only my opinion and a lot of people will disagree on it, that's why i decided to stay off and not tag this one since the ambiguity is so high both settings could be correct.

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  • I want to clear, like NoctemWerewolf told. If this person don´t tell is a character from the game you can think in a werewolf without problems. I´m a huge anthro and werewolf fan. First, forget for this moment what wikipedia says; when you think in a werewolf you think in the think half-wolf, not the human who can transform in the half-wolf. Second, a lot of artist and persons considered a "werewolf", the wolf anthros, if you think that. I considered that the same because the anthro is basically a animal who have body and estructure like humans, just only one subdivision, don´t care if can change to human or born like this, can transform, etc. The wolf is the most character used and you know the leyend about the werewolves. Think about the more animals used in anthros, tigers, lions, minotaurs. The werewolf form part in the anthro genre. Whatever. is my opinion. I don´t gonna broke my head for only one tag, is not the end of this world

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  • Just_Another_Dragon said:
    I don't like to be the guy who says these sort of things, but the system used on e621 is tag what you see.

    If it visually fits then it's not totally wrong, i don't want to start a tag war not be disrespectful towards you or anyone else.

    Just because it's an anthro wolf does not mean it's a lycanthrope. You could just tag it "Wolf"

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