Got time for story?
An orange filly waits patiently in the dark, feeling rather uncomfortable. However, she knows that it's almost time again, a few hours having passed and that her keeper has just gotten home. Making sure that the wall was fully covered, the little one rests her back against the wall, pretending to be asleep. In what seems like only a few seconds to her, she hears footsteps. They stop and the closet door opens, letting light inside.
Rainbow Dash stands in the doorway, fully nude with her engorged length hanging down to her knees. She looks down at the floor, a nude filly sleeping soundly against the wall. Still there, just where she left it. The adult pegasus picks her up and slings her over her shoulder, stepping out of the closet and to the bedroom door. Heading out of the room, Dash throws her filly onto the floor who seems to shake awake, looking around in a daze. The youngling starts raising herself up but is quickly pushed back onto the ground by the older mare and held there by the chest.
"N-no... ..." The young foal says quietly but hushes herself up. Rainbow Dash lowers herself down to where her thick cock laid on the orange coat, hardening and lengthening slowly against the softness. Her heavy ballsack lays against the warm genitals of her toy while she grabs the set-aside lubrication. Squeezing out the entire bottle which pours thick over her member and dripping onto the young filly, she inhales sharply as some gentle stroking against the little body helps distribute the slippery liquid.
Looking on with a bit of fear, the pegasus foal doesn't struggle whilst molested by the older and stronger foaliphile, lest she get hit. Before she realizes it, Rainbow Dash pulls back, leaving a cold, wanting feeling on her body where the cock used to lay, but it didn't last long. Something large suddenly enters her from her nethers, and she can feel her body spread apart at the bulky intruder. She gasps as her molestor moans loudly, and the little filly feels almost paralyzed in pleasure due to the giant cock snug inside her once again. She couldn't help but cry out noisily as her loins were pounded against by the dickmare's own.
Unable to stay quiet during the voracious rape, the youngling feels a strong hand against her neck, and knows once again that it was due to her being too loud. She definitely couldn't breathe, and despite that, the insides of her body continue to be ravaged. Her body continues to tighten and massage itself automatically against Rainbow Dash's dick, acting like a living toy cocksleeve while her vision starts to haze...
"So she treats you like a toy?"
"Yeah. It's like I'm just like one of those toys for d-dickmares." Scootaloo fidgets on the wood bench inside the clubhouse, clearly aroused from telling her story. "She doesn't say anything, just picks me up and does whatever..." The other two crusaders listen intently at her sides with blushes on their faces.
"And you dun mind it?" Apple Bloom had never experienced something as rough as the story her friend was giving.
"N-no, it's... it's amazing. Being used just for pleasure and stuff... it's kinda hard to explain." The pegasus rubs the back of her head and avoids eye contact out of embarrassment. "I don't want it to stop... so I make sure to get back in the closet as often as I can," she says with a shaky sigh.
Apple Bloom pipes up, "I tried to do something rough with Trixie before, but I dun think we did it right or good enough..." She looks rather impressed and perhaps slightly jealous that Scootaloo would enjoy herself so much from that sort of treatment.
"Hehe..." Sweetie Belle makes a cheeky smile. "Rarity's really rough, too... She does talk to me, though, but treats me like... kinda like a pet, I think." The candy-maned filly rubs her chin. "But a little different than Rainbow Dash, 'cause she likes it more when I try to escape and scream and stuff. And I kinda like being hit, too..." Sweetie rolls her eyes, smiling to herself and thinking of the next encounter, most likely after bed. Her friends stare at her, trying to imagine.
"Ooh, why don't you tell us what it's like with her, Sweetie Belle?" Scootaloo looks excited at hearing about the different experience.
"Okay, let's see... Well, usually at night, after I go to sleep... ..."
MemberSeason 5: Episode 2
Sleepytime Stories
Memberthe pic is hot, but the story makes it much hotter
MemberPlease, please do a sequel :)
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