dungeons and dragons and etc created by oniontrain
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  • Slade said:
    I don't get it. Someone care to explain?

    Playing a role playing game and this probably something to do with being submissive or she is the dungeon master who likes to torment the players.

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  • Google gave me this: http://1d4chan.org/wiki/-4_Str

    So it's a meme. Why are there other images tagged "4_str" that aren't explicitly part of the meme? Does that mean Chemico should get reported for tagging them? It smacks of tag vandalism to me, is why I ask.

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  • ikdind said:
    So it's a meme. Why are there other images tagged "4_str" that aren't explicitly part of the meme?

    The idea is that all female characters should be given a penalty of -4 Strength, so the tag technically fits if the post contains a female who looks as though she may be part of D&D game.

    But hey - if you don't like the tag, change it yourself.

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  • Sorry, not trying to QQ all over the booru, just wondering aloud if we really want to see the "4_str" tag start popping up random on pics of female scalies who could potentially be placed in a fantasy setting, specifically with reference to dungeons.

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  • I'd just like to say that nightmare fuel is accurate. -4 STR is just a vague meme.

    Say nightmare fuel to someone that speaks a foreign language, and they'd get an idea of what to expect.

    Say -4 str and they would probably think you were speaking too fast, or on crack.

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  • sneakysnake128 said:
    Playing a role playing game and this probably something to do with being submissive or she is the dungeon master who likes to torment the players.

    D&D used a lot of things in the past where it was said "Women are weaker than men." type of bs, and if I remember correctly the Dragonborn females has -4 Str penalty but a +2 Dex bonus cause of it (That is IF I remember correctly). In later chapters they changed a lot like the DDO (Dungeons & Dragons Online Unlimited) doesn't have the stat differences.

    ikdind said:
    Google gave me this: http://1d4chan.org/wiki/-4_Str

    So it's a meme. Why are there other images tagged "4_str" that aren't explicitly part of the meme? Does that mean Chemico should get reported for tagging them? It smacks of tag vandalism to me, is why I ask.

    It both is and ain't a meme depending on how you look at it.
    But God bless the -4 Strength for Breasts and a nice ass!

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  • targetdog said:
    The idea is that all female characters should be given a penalty of -4 Strength, so the tag technically fits if the post contains a female who looks as though she may be part of D&D game.

    But hey - if you don't like the tag, change it yourself.

    Kind of weird since a strength of 9 or 10 is considered to be a basic, human sized character.

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  • NegaMajora said:
    Kind of weird since a strength of 9 or 10 is considered to be a basic, human sized character.

    flicker128 said:
    Playing a role playing game and this probably something to do with being submissive or she is the dungeon master who likes to torment the players.

    I think if you just added a ? with the ! to make my reaction to the kobold race.

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