arun (mythology) created by tokaido

Always wanted to do somethin' like this, but these unusual perspectives are hard XD

  • Comments
  • I love seeing artists try more uncommon perspectives, garners a lot of respect for them from me. I may not matter, but what matters is someone being brave enough to leave comfort zones!

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  • FuckinScalies said:
    I always think these are so kewl

    Same! I've wanted to do one for a while, but I just haven't worked up the courage till now :P

    Queen_Sectonia said:
    I love seeing artists try more uncommon perspectives, garners a lot of respect for them from me. I may not matter, but what matters is someone being brave enough to leave comfort zones!

    (^///^) Thank you~
    I understand what ya mean, perspectives like these are uncommon because they're so... I dunno, hard isn't exactly the word. More like "uncomfortable" and hard to get right.

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  • Well, your little gamble certainly paid off. It looks great in my eyes.

    Any tips you can offer to a budding artist such as myself. I just started two months ago and am practicing sketching inanimate objects.

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  • GameManiac said:
    Well, your little gamble certainly paid off. It looks great in my eyes.

    Any tips you can offer to a budding artist such as myself. I just started two months ago and am practicing sketching inanimate objects.

    Heh, thank you! For general drawing tips, the two best pieces of advice I can offer are get lots of practice, (draw something EVERY DAY!) and either get a teacher or critiques from other artists. Working in a vacuum doesn't lead to good art, it leafs to bad habits.

    If you have any specific questions though I can answer those through a Dmail or something. There's a handy art review thread on the forums you can use too!

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  • Tokaido said:
    Heh, thank you! For general drawing tips, the two best pieces of advice I can offer are get lots of practice, (draw something EVERY DAY!) and either get a teacher or critiques from other artists. Working in a vacuum doesn't lead to good art, it leafs to bad habits.

    If you have any specific questions though I can answer those through a Dmail or something. There's a handy art review thread on the forums you can use too!

    Practice. That much should be obvious.

    I wonder what kind of artist I'll become. If my FanFiction hobby is to be compared, perhaps I'll be an artist that's keen on detail.

    Well, regardless, I'll need a drawing tablet soon.

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  • Tokaido said:
    Same! I've wanted to do one for a while, but I just haven't worked up the courage till now :P

    (^///^) Thank you~
    I understand what ya mean, perspectives like these are uncommon because they're so... I dunno, hard isn't exactly the word. More like "uncomfortable" and hard to get right.

    It's hard because it's It's very easy to make mistakes on this type, its difficult to creat a 3D object on a 2D field. You did a fantastic job on this and you deserve much congratulating.

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  • Zemofur said:
    The thumbnail it looks like she was a dickgirl. I'm kinda disapointed.

    She actually is a herm, so pretty close :P You just can't see it in this pic.

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