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commission for blackdragon1800 at fA

new accomplishments in this;
-I can animate glowy stuff
-I can animate tattoos and other detailed markings
-I tried a new lighting method that used two light-layers; one for the halftone area, and then a highlight layer using the halftone as a mask.

  • Comments
  • Damn, i can really see the improvements every new flash . Loving it , keep up the nice work!

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  • Do you want me to be honest? You know with constructive criticism and whatnot? Okay well here it goes.

    It really is just another boring loop with nothing really to make it stand out from other basic loops other than the easily recognized style of the animator. That being said, it also happens to be a boring loop with nothing to make it stand out that happens to be fairly well executed. In fact, I happen to think that if there is a list of all the more-or-less repetitive loops, this one is probably top tier. Just something to think about. I mean the animator clearly has something they do, and they do it in a way that works and is easily recognized. Good for you

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  • ZeroSkyler said:
    Do you want me to be honest? You know with constructive criticism and whatnot? Okay well here it goes.

    It really is just another boring loop with nothing really to make it stand out from other basic loops other than the easily recognized style of the animator. That being said, it also happens to be a boring loop with nothing to make it stand out that happens to be fairly well executed. In fact, I happen to think that if there is a list of all the more-or-less repetitive loops, this one is probably top tier. Just something to think about. I mean the animator clearly has something they do, and they do it in a way that works and is easily recognized. Good for you

    It sounds to me like you just have a problem with the nature loop animations. Loops are designed to extend limited resources for extra usage and as a result must always return to the beginning of what they do. Narrative can be a part of them, but 'plot' not as much unless they're longer animations. I've done the best i can within my timeframe (roughly 40 hours work, over 4 days to paint and animate 12 frames, each including 2 characters.)

    As far as 'nothing to make it stand out' I feel like 'nothing that hits my kinks' is a more accurate statement. This animation was also a commissioned one, and commissioner had their own agenda since they're the one paying for it.

    Here's some things that 'stand out' that I do, that you don't find too often in furry animation;
    -foreshortening and rotation of forms in perspective; check out the dragon's head, and the lady's butt for example. There's a spot where those buttcheeks rise up and actually overlap the torso, and then when they move down it does back to one flat form.
    -directional lighting and cast shadows that change with the animation; look at the cast shadow on the dragon's hips caused by the lady on top. Also notice that I painted a brief bit of light on the balls when they came out farther.
    -gentle organic jiggle; although this animation isn't prime example of ultra jiggle, you can see it in the feet, tails, heads, and overall movement of the bodies as a whole.
    -offset timing of motions; the butt doesn't bounce up in sync with the balls, the shoulders do not move up in sync with the butt, the head does not move up in sync with the shoulders, the tail does not wobble in sync with the head. There is a clear transfer of the momentum of forces, all which are accomplished through my intention and training as an animator, you do not find this limber motion in typical animated posts.
    -liquid and specular effects; although I still have a lot to learn on this subject, the dick looks wet, doesn't it? and not like... gooby globby bread pudding gravy jizz bullshit, but more down tied to reality. You can also see the shine in the horns, giving the impression that they're made of a different material than the body. MOST animations everything is unified shaded and you can't tell materal indication very well.


    I've only gotten into the business of animating a few months ago, so I have plenty to learn and improve on. The skill, time and effort required to animate good 2d is vastly underestimated, and until I achieve a popularity status large enough to request thousand(ish) dollar commissions, I will not be able to do big extended animations unless they are personal projects. I do loops because they're within affordable price range for my commissioners and they allow me to quickly go through the entire production pipeline of animation to hone my craft.

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  • FuzzAmorous said:
    It sounds to me like you just have a problem with the nature loop animations. Loops are designed to extend limited resources for extra usage and as a result must always return to the beginning of what they do. Narrative can be a part of them, but 'plot' not as much unless they're longer animations. I've done the best i can within my timeframe (roughly 40 hours work, over 4 days to paint and animate 12 frames, each including 2 characters.)

    As far as 'nothing to make it stand out' I feel like 'nothing that hits my kinks' is a more accurate statement. This animation was also a commissioned one, and commissioner had their own agenda since they're the one paying for it.

    Here's some things that 'stand out' that I do, that you don't find too often in furry animation;
    -foreshortening and rotation of forms in perspective; check out the dragon's head, and the lady's butt for example. There's a spot where those buttcheeks rise up and actually overlap the torso, and then when they move down it does back to one flat form.
    -directional lighting and cast shadows that change with the animation; look at the cast shadow on the dragon's hips caused by the lady on top. Also notice that I painted a brief bit of light on the balls when they came out farther.
    -gentle organic jiggle; although this animation isn't prime example of ultra jiggle, you can see it in the feet, tails, heads, and overall movement of the bodies as a whole.
    -offset timing of motions; the butt doesn't bounce up in sync with the balls, the shoulders do not move up in sync with the butt, the head does not move up in sync with the shoulders, the tail does not wobble in sync with the head. There is a clear transfer of the momentum of forces, all which are accomplished through my intention and training as an animator, you do not find this limber motion in typical animated posts.
    -liquid and specular effects; although I still have a lot to learn on this subject, the dick looks wet, doesn't it? and not like... gooby globby bread pudding gravy jizz bullshit, but more down tied to reality. You can also see the shine in the horns, giving the impression that they're made of a different material than the body. MOST animations everything is unified shaded and you can't tell materal indication very well.


    I've only gotten into the business of animating a few months ago, so I have plenty to learn and improve on. The skill, time and effort required to animate good 2d is vastly underestimated, and until I achieve a popularity status large enough to request thousand(ish) dollar commissions, I will not be able to do big extended animations unless they are personal projects. I do loops because they're within affordable price range for my commissioners and they allow me to quickly go through the entire production pipeline of animation to hone my craft.

    One, nice come back to that guy, and two, this is some of the best I've seen.

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  • fritz said:
    FuzzAmorous, that does not change the fact that overall, this is just like any other sex image, except it moves a bit. There's barely any actual movement aside from the waist. I'm not talking about subtle shifting, I'm talking about actual movement that will draw in the viewer. Your other animations feature more interesting motions, while this? This is just porn. Sure, your other animations may have featured porn, but at least they had a bit of zing to it.

    This isn't anything special. You seem to have difficulty accepting criticism (even the tiniest amount, as I have seen your streams). The above commentator was saying that there isn't enough action. The fact that you had to type an entire wall of text like that shows how insecure you are about your works. Instead of brushing it off, you typed all of that.

    Even loops can be interesting, as other animators have proven. Just because it LOOKS pretty, doesn't make it interesting. Step your game up.

    If you don't like what someone else commissioned him to do, commission him yourself for something new and amazing.

    Otherwise shut up and go back to masturbating. The client was happy, and that's what matters with commissions.

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  • fritz said:
    FuzzAmorous, that does not change the fact that overall, this is just like any other sex image, except it moves a bit. There's barely any actual movement aside from the waist. I'm not talking about subtle shifting, I'm talking about actual movement that will draw in the viewer. Your other animations feature more interesting motions, while this? This is just porn. Sure, your other animations may have featured porn, but at least they had a bit of zing to it.

    This isn't anything special. You seem to have difficulty accepting criticism (even the tiniest amount, as I have seen your streams). The above commentator was saying that there isn't enough action. The fact that you had to type an entire wall of text like that shows how insecure you are about your works. Instead of brushing it off, you typed all of that.

    Even loops can be interesting, as other animators have proven. Just because it LOOKS pretty, doesn't make it interesting. Step your game up.

    There's a lot that I could debate with you about this, but since you've slapped the 'doesn't take criticism well sticker' on me and the 'trust me I've seen it' follow up, there's not a single thing that I can talk with you about without a negative blow to my reputation.

    I would like to invite you to more of my streams so you can have a more informed opinion of how i respond to critique.

    That being said, I'll avoid the text walls in future.

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  • fritz said: things

    It's not that it was half assed, but that I didn't feel like writing paragraphs over a silly matter.

    Actually, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said shut up. It's a dismissive statement and rather unprofessional, so I apologize.

    On the gray side, I see this:

    Yeah, it's highly polished but a rather simple-movement animation. Another loop among dozens just like it.

    On the other side, that is what was paid for. I could understand big disappointment if it was a personal project, but a simple loop like this was what was paid and requested for. Something more that would be more desirable would cost more money.

    I agree, he over-did it in responding. He's also -very- new to the commission game, and even more new to critics like this. I've done commissions on and off for at least 7 years, only taking it seriously the past few months. It isn't an easy game, so I do ask to cut some slack.

    Reading back on it, the issue with this type of 'critique ' is the fact that it was all criticism.

    I am NOTTTT a fan of critique sandwiches (something done well, bad, well ), however telling him straight out that it's boring doesn't help him improve when he does simple loops like this.

    Same thing for when bringing up other artists. You say how Trunchbull makes loops interesting. Okay, how? What do they do in a simple loop that makes it interesting that he can learn from.

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  • fritz said:

    I never said I don't like it, so back the fuck off. Also, I don't masturbate to art.

    I have been to many of your streams, including one of the most recent ones with Gasaraki's commission. Your inability to respond to a simple critique (albeit misguided) without getting majorly defensive is not very intuitive. It dissuades people from making actual critique. All you had to do was explain without the passive aggressive namecalling (i.e. 'dude'). It honestly made people AFRAID to critique you because of how you'd react (after talking to at least three of the people who attended that stream, two of which could see issues with said answer, me as well, but felt uncomfortable telling you due to your passive aggressiveness).

    Also, another thing. Your lack of modesty. Your fans say you're the best animator but that is far from it (as commentator above has said, this animation lacks anything special aside from style itself), and honestly it's a huge turnoff. This is a pet peeve and is not really anything you need to worry about. But perhaps just something to think about in the future. Even FA animator Trunchbull admits when something in her animations is less than perfect. Being a little bit more humble makes you look a little bit more human, and adding on to that, more approachable as a person. Again, this is just an opinion, a pet peeve, me complaining about things, but is not really necessary to being a better artist overall.

    The whole "trust me, I've seen it" as you call it is because of the aforementioned animator, Trunchbull. Again, she knows how to make a loop and make it interesting. I myself am a professional animator for western animation, I've seen it, I've done it. It's not that hard to put in a tiny bit of extra effort to make it dynamic and unique.

    @ the gasaraki commission; saying my commission has 'some serious dick leg' because viewer didn't realize the dick was drawn on a top layer, is not critique. Responding with 'dude, its on a top layer so i can see wholly before i erase where the spots where the leg is on top' is not a super sharp response either. After Trunchbull's long talk about how i shouldn't say 'dude' or anything along those lines, i did not respond to her, seeing as it would only exacerbate the situation. It's better to just move on. This was one slightly elevated incident you saw, but you are missing the numerous successful good critiques by past commissioners on projects. Its unfortunate that you're the type to cherry pick one non A+ response and hold that as your entire judgement of my character. And for the record, I'm not grumpy at Trunchbull or even the viewer's comment, we're all good and dandy, its resolved. I guess saying 'dude' is harsh enough to warrant 'not being able to take criticism, not even the tiniest amount.'

    As for modesty, one cannot claim they are 'modest' in a modest manner, but i can definitely say you haven't been to many of my streams or you'd know how much i ramble about how my hands/feet/faces/etc suck. If you want me to dissect everything wrong with my animations, I can gladly give you a list tenfold as long as the things I do right.

    If you can't reply to my comments without editing my words into petty phrases like "stuff" and "Defensive BS" then I might as well end chat. You've already stuck labels to me and said your point.

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  • fritz said: shamallamadingdong

    oh nah, Im not saying you have to compliment him. I was saying that tell him how it can be improved like... maybe instead of it one rhythmic thrust, it was broken up into slower and quicker ones. It's the difference of

    " this animation is boring if im honest "
    " this animation is boring if im honest. Maybe change up the pacing of the thrusts or try a more dynamic angle with a closer crop to be more interesting. "

    The second one isnt complimenting or doing the crit sandwich, but it's something an artist can still take away from the comment. Ya dig?

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  • fritz said: quack

    More of an example of what is good for a critique than what should/could have been said on this particular piece.

    And that's true. I completely agree. I do illustration and while I like to make things as nice as I can... that might take a bit of time I don't always have. Bills don't wanna hear about wanting to do stuff for the good of the trade.

    Im glad this will be ending on a better note

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  • I came to see an awesome animation, and what i see in the comments is loads of salt, you could actually salt every pretzel in new york for a week with all that saltiness

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  • Sorrowless said:
    With a ribbed cock like that, I miss a female orgasm from this animation.

    There is, sort of, you can see a liquid that would imply a female orgasm.

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