rainbow dash (friendship is magic and etc) created by joycall3

Chlorine, used in swimming pools and tap water in some places.

  • Comments
  • Shit's everywhere.

    It forms simple table salt with sodium, yet in it's natural state is a gas deadly to human life.

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  • Ozelot said:
    Shit's everywhere.

    It forms simple table salt with sodium, yet in it's natural state is a gas deadly to human life.

    Was also the first chemical ever used as a weapon of war. WWI

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  • RandomIntigers779 said:
    Fritz Haber did it!
    Nazi told him to do that.

    Wrong world war, Nazis didn't come on the scen until WWII or about 20 years later. :-P

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  • Ozelot said:
    Shit's everywhere.

    It forms simple table salt with sodium, yet in it's natural state is a gas deadly to human life.

    Queerbrony69 said:
    Was also the first chemical ever used as a weapon of war. WWI

    Wadxxx said:
    Intensely flammable and poisonous in pure form.

    Ironically, in gaseous form, it's not even the chlorine itself that proves inherently toxic. It's the hydrochloric acid that it forms when it reacts with the moisture (water/H2O) in your lungs, trachea, and throat; the acid is what causes the damage by burning your throat and lung tissue.

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