natani (twokinds) created by tom fischbach
Parent: post #1312636 (learn more) show »
Children: 1 child (learn more) show »
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  • trust me lady, in the world of furries mammals can even breed with reptiles and vice versa so no suprice there.

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  • ippiki_ookami said:
    She's ugly.
    Having said that, I'd still fatten her with my seed. Gladly.

    You're desperate, knowing that you're probably a virgin fatty who will never 'fatten' any one with your seed.

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  • XToxicEnvyX said:
    You're desperate, knowing that you're probably a virgin fatty who will never 'fatten' any one with your seed.

    Oh, you mean other than my wife? Yeah, you're probably right.

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  • ippiki_ookami said:
    Oh, you mean other than my wife? Yeah, you're probably right.

    and i'll ride into the sunset on my unicorn FUCK YEA

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  • Schrodinger said:
    I'm surprised it took this long for this image to read e621

    This image can read?! 0____0

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  • XToxicEnvyX said:
    Proof or it doesn't exist.

    What kind of proof do you want? Her name's Michelle, we met at boot camp, went to tech school together, we're pharmacy technicians, textbook stuff. Plus, we wanted to get out of the dorms on base early, so we got married to expedite the BAH. Or is it BAS? I forget. The military has too many acronyms.

    And no she doesn't know about furry and she never will.

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  • asdfbot said:
    gonna guess he meant "reach".

    *whistling sound from overhead* That's the sound of the joke going over your head.

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  • ippiki_ookami said:
    What kind of proof do you want? Her name's Michelle, we met at boot camp, went to tech school together, we're pharmacy technicians, textbook stuff. Plus, we wanted to get out of the dorms on base early, so we got married to expedite the BAH. Or is it BAS? I forget. The military has too many acronyms.

    And no she doesn't know about furry and she never will.

    its soooo gonna suck when she finds out, kinda like this

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