cellina created by ruaidri

Admirer By Ruaidri

I commissioned Ruaidri for this one, and tortured him mercilessly with drawing reflections. Thanks for putting up with me, Ru!

I'd like to share with you guys a peek at another scene not normally glimpsed by the inhabitants of my little storytelling universe. Here, we see Cellina in her bedroom, the most private part of her seldom visited luxury apartment. Our lovely executive is taking herself in with the aid of a full-length mirror, appreciating all those lovely curves as she feels herself up. She seduces that gorgeous reflected bird, casting meaningful gazes as she cocks her hip and slips her hand down her stomach and under her waistband. She slips into a positive feedback loop, pleasing herself to the sight of her pleasing herself.

If you were to inquire about Cellina with Mr. Gryphon, a fellow member of the unofficial dom club, he might just laugh and tell you that she's a little bit... odd. Our high-powered executive crane has a rather complicated sexuality, he would tell you after a few drinks! I've described her bondage habits in previous pieces, and the way she never has sex with her playmates, except for the odd shy girl now and then she takes back to her apartment for some oral exercises .

So, what are we to conclude about our lovely crane, then? Judging from this little scene, I'd say her idea lady is tall, powerful, busty, and confident. ^_~

There's a sex toy hidden in this picture! Can you find it? ^_~

(Adult for the masturbation.)

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