kloe kitty created by chazcatrix
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  • Lovely piece of artwork, very well done. Such acute friendly face. Love the big inquisitive yellow eyes, cute little pink nose and friendly smile. Love how she is so relaxed and unashamed. I like it. Wish I had friend like her.

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  • VulpineLover said:
    I know this is your character chazcatrix, & you can name them whatever you want. But the rule about chakats is that their names have to sound both male & female, because they are hermaphrodites. A good example would be Springstep, Midnight, & Snowpaw.

    Actually as I read their naming conventions are descriptive, and they are entitled to a chosen name upon reaching adulthood. Traditionally it'll be another descriptive name, something relevant to their interests, but nothing says it HAS to be gender-neutral or descriptive.

    Also, Chakats will generally accept being referenced in the feminine... it's masculine reference you're unlikely to see.

    Regardless, I'd like to see more anomalies. I strongly dislike the utopian, absolute white-and-white nature the Chakats' original creator instilled in them. No anomalies exist at all, every one of them is invariably a perfectly balanced and pansexual hermaphrodite with a strong aversion to needless body modification including implants, tattoos, piercings and augments.

    Chakats Den intro excerpt:
    Chakats don't make any distinction between the sexes (aside from purely physical matters) and are completely bisexual in all things. Some have a personal preference for one side of their sexual nature, but nevertheless will always enjoy the other side. For example, a chakat who has mated with a male and enjoys taking the female role will always be happy to make love in the male mode with another person. A Chakat that didn't feel this way would be considered psychologically disturbed, although it must be pointed out that this has never occurred.

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  • VulpineLover said:
    I know this is your character chazcatrix, & you can name them whatever you want...

    Nnnnope :)

    Kloe is not my character, and she's normally a female biped - this is a taurified version done just for fun.

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  • VulpineLover said:
    I know this is your character chazcatrix, & you can name them whatever you want. But the rule about chakats is that their names have to sound both male & female, because they are hermaphrodites. A good example would be Springstep, Midnight, & Snowpaw.

    Honestly why is almost every herm taur called a chakat. I wouldn't even hesitate to say herms are more popular than chakats, it just sounds like fans want to claim as many taurs as they can. Typically I wouldn't give a damn but this has to be the 50th or so time I've seen this.

    Chakats are their whole own different little mary sue thing. Herm taur ≠ Chakat.

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  • Captain_Chronic said:
    Honestly why is almost every herm taur called a chakat. I wouldn't even hesitate to say herms are more popular than chakats, it just sounds like fans want to claim as many taurs as they can. Typically I wouldn't give a damn but this has to be the 50th or so time I've seen this.

    Chakats are their whole own different little mary sue thing. Herm taur ≠ Chakat.

    I'm not saying every herm is a chakat, only feline herms.

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