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Parent: post #723162 (learn more) show »

This post was deleted or flagged for the following reasons:


Duplicate of Parent post. Both JPGs of different file sizes, but I saw no difference when layering them over eachother and subtracting. The extra 20KB of data on post #723162 seems to have come from metadata that was left intact at one of the several sources.

At any rate: when dealing with two identical JPGs of different file sizes, it's better to go with the larger of the two.

  • Comments
  • renevade said:
    woah that's probably my fav. rendition of a female elite

    Yeah, most of them have major uggs.

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  • SchwhatNow said:
    I don't mind this one, but my favorite is from Halo Legends

    Well, unfortunately, the design was deliboratelly made humanlike to make it easier to sympathize with the character. It's not actualy how female sangheili are supposed to look. how females ARE supposed to look is still up in the air. but it's more likely going to have alot more physical resemblance to the males. given this design in the picture above most resembles the naked model of Thel from the opening cutscenes of halo 2 anniversary.

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