This post was deleted or flagged for the following reasons:
- [DELETION] Inferior version/duplicate of post #1040105 - Ratte -
Latest version - Fixed "C" version
New to the game? Have a look at the wiki
Changes since 0.9.2
CoC 0.9.4c – Stealth Fix
- It’s now possible to leave Helia’s dungeon. (Bug introduced by open source refactoring)
- Rubi’s closet and sex scenes should now work properly. (Bug introduced by open source refactoring)
- Fixed a scene crash in D3 involving the doppleganger. (Didn’t check who was to blame for this one; sue me)
- Oodles of typo fixes. Thanks Prisoner416!~
- Fixed some weird stuff going on with parser logic in a Shouldra scene.
- The Marble/Amily freakout scene won’t happen if Marble is gone from camp.
- The doppleganger in dungeon 3 now has a vagina if you’re genderless… and makes you grow one if you sex it.
- Fixed some broken masturbation shit after someone “cleaned it up”
- A few other odds and ends that got swallowed up in the massive typo commit.
0.9.3b - Saves Fix
- Loading saves should work again.
- Kid A should be able to be given a weapon.
- Bugfixes from IndirectOne too numerous to cover.
- A new Scylla scene. To proc it, you need to have had a threesome with * Urta and the nun, NOT have the Opal Ring (check your key items), and check the bar very early in the morning or in the early afternoon. Basically it’s two other herm furries from the guard plugging away at her lipples, and you get to take her mouth.
- 0.9.2 (old version)
Member"It’s now possible to leave Helia’s dungeon"
All the fucking tries it took me without checkpoints/savepoints
It still hurts to this day
MemberIs anyone else having trouble getting the game to come up? I get a "couldn't load plug-in" message.
user 59725
MemberI know that some browsers (Firefox) are now blocking Flash by default; that might be related.
I'd recommend you go to Adobe's site and update Flash manually (or update/restart Chrome if you use Chrome).
MemberAh, I see. I'm not using chrome. I use Opera. But it seems to be working now. The main menu opened up.
MemberOpera? What are you, an anarchist? Firefox FTW!!!
Jesus Raptor
Memberfirefox ?
are you a capitalist ?
safari FWT !!!
MemberFor some reason my saves just vanished...
MemberFirefox blocks OUTDATED flash plugins to avoid overlaping, simply update flash when this happens
MemberI feel your pain bro, it took me 8 tries to complete the dungeon
MemberI have a few questions. Is it possible to download this game from fenoxo.com to my computer and play it without opening the wed browser, and if anyone has a couple (or more) of good saves, can you pm me and I will either give you my gmail or you can give me a link to the folder you put it in on google drive. The reason I am asking this is because my saves, which I had hours upon hours of time into were on my computer that recently "died". Thanks to anyone who helps me out if it is even possible.
Hotsuma Senpai
MemberI use the Torch browser and everything seems to be working great for me. Idk if anyone here uses Torch though.
Memberwhat is new in this becease there is a other coc 0.9.4
user 59725
MemberThis is 0.9.4c, the other one is 0.9.4 and it was mistakingly uploaded with the 0.9.4c changelog.
0.9.4c (this version) is currently the latest version.
Memberoke thanks
MemberWhat is it even
MemberI put so much time into this game only to lose all my data since I cleared out my browser... God damnit
MemberCan someone tell me what I have to do to be able to enter the Bazaar? Because I keep being told I'm not ready. I'm level nine, by the way. Is there a specific level I have to be at or something?
MemberNever mind, I'm allowed in now.
MemberWhoa... owo I played as a male, black hair, girly build and later turned into a muscular, doubled canine cock, e cup breasted werewolf looking (Or wolf anthro) thingy... I need to lay off the succubi milk X3
BlockedI say we take this pile of gibberish off e621. Wanna play around with succubus? Wait till a real one comes then i wonder who would still have fun
MemberI kill every demon I find... I may be a hermaphrodite, but I love females!!! I rape every goblin I see despite the corruption. :3
MemberI may be crazy but I think fenoxo should work on a sfw version of this game. I love playing this game and reading the dialogue and yes I admit I try to get as many of the sex scenes as I can. But I think this would be a great text based rpg even without all the adult content... but that may just be me. Btw who else laughed their ass off at the turkey girl encounter during thanksgiving?
Membertook me no more than three tries
MemberI think for the next update it would be nice to have the characters you can interact with acknowledge your pregnancy. If your Champion is pregnant then the interaction could be altered slightly. Just my opinion really.
Memberhow do i purify succubi milk in this version?
Membercan you actually meet Heavy Weapons guy from TF2 here? how?
MemberExplore the lake until you find the old rat dude and he'll ask if you wanna buy something, and it'll say, "Purify."
Got it? =w=
Alpha Wolfie
Memberijust have to say helias dungen it was easy for me I kicked ass in there I was done in 30 min whit all the reding its not to hard if u know what u are doing
MemberOk, answers to the very long question:
1. Yes. Totally possible to download from fenoxo.com
2. Sort of. It is easiest to play in browser (once downloaded, you will not need internet to get it though), but if you are a coding wizz then you could make an engine to run it for you, but that would be a pain (there could always be one out there). If this is a history issue, then you could always download another browser and set the swf to open with that browser.
3. Why bother with saves when you can just make a fresh one and download the editor? You can find the link for the downloadable exe file on the wiki, but if you want to avoid viruses, you could pm me and I will send the folder to you.
Hopefully this helps!
MemberFor anyone else that wants to know, you need 35 corruption. Also, check out the wiki on orain. It is incredibly complete.
Member.. You're smart... (.*)w(*.)
Memberyes he is
MemberI just wonder if their is a trick to it... Like avoiding the tentacle beast... Like how to avoid it and to catch the kitsune's so I get their jewels... I like the interaction with characters though... makes me feel a lot less lonely...
MemberI love interacting with the characters.
MemberYEY! I wish that there would be a bit of a vaginal pregnancy... I'd like to have Katherine's babies...
Memberizma is alot easier, and .... ah .... she is dominant and ... uh .... books that make u smart and strong and .... ah .... she already inpregnated me ..... and .... uh ..... u can get her hooked gauntlets and she ears those cute little glasses ........ and she is a herm ....... she is just cute ....
MemberI just wanna fight Lithice already
Alpha Wolfie
Membercan u even get or pregnant whit Katherine I fucked and got fucke allot whit her nothing happened its easier whit urta and that's not easy wood be fun if it was wolves tho wod love some wolf ears and a tail
MemberSearch her dungeon on the High Mountains, then.
MemberI once went on this game named, "Heavy Weapons Guy."
... It was weird and funny... I named that one chained up lady Sandvich... Good times... =w=
MemberYou're pretty young, aren't you
MemberNu, ... Well... Is 18 pretty young?... I think immature would fit :3
Memberis Marae's Lethicite with the hellhound master part bugged or something?
Xol Vudam
Membercan the eggs you lay actually hatch or be fertilized?
Memberalso is there a way of getting past the baskelisks after doing the mirror room?
MemberI noticed Essrayle isn't in the tags. Just sayin'
MemberThis.......DAMN GAME.......is still incredibly FUCKING BROKEN.
I'm trying very hard contain the very same rage which made me create a damn account just to let you know how fucked up this game still is.
I have done 'almost' everything you can/I would want to do in this game, so most of the stuff left to do is DEEEEP into the game, requiring high stats, and many, MANY hours of labor to get to. So when ALL my saves were systematically wiped, all that work was destroyed. I was pissed and even after the creator claimed to fix the game quited for a time.
After the first bug wiped out my saves, I decided I had waited long enough, and began the long journey to level 14+ to achieve the last handful of scenes I wanted to see, and to test the game further in search of any others I missed. I'm an explorer, so I will often save and drink questionable foods, drinks, and lose in battle just to see the resulting scene. But when choosing to submit forever to the huntsman in the Deepwoods(can't remember his name), it resulted in a bad end, obviously. So I clicked the NewGamePlus button by accident, hating this screen because during character creation the 'data' button disappears until you go through ALL the settings and create a character, I just refreshed the page. Then when I went to load my characters I just laughed in an effort to not destroy everything in a 5-foot radius and stared at all those empty save slots.
AND BEFORE ANYONE SAYS "You must've cleared you're cache" or"You shouldn't have cleared your cookies" I didn't even leave the fucking screen, I refreshed, that's it. And please, lest I lose my shit, don't tell me something like I don't have the right to be mad at a game offered for free, because it's a little hard to stay calm when you put 9 hours in a game and it disappears.
Please Fix Your Game.
Member... I felt true rage when I was level 18 and lost EVERYTHING.
Eh, I like being Kitsune or Dog/Wolf thingy... Hmm, can you tell me where... Or how I can get other spells? The only ones I learn are White Fire, Charge Weapon and Blind... OOH OOH, know where to find the herb for the grandpa lizzard guy? (.*)w(.*)
.....Does being in incognito mode have anything to do with this...?
user 59725
MemberMost likely.
Incognito mode essentially makes a temporary folder*, then puts cache, cookies, browser history, etc. inside that folder. When you close the incognito window, the folder is deleted and thus traces of your browser history are deleted with it. What this means is when you save a game in incognito mode the save will exist only inside incognito mode. As soon as you close the window the save will disappear with everything else.
I'd say download it and run it locally if you are concerned about your browsing history, else run it in a second browser hidden somewhere else on your computer (I'm not sure if clearing browser history/files still leaves flash's local storage or not, but I know it did in the past).
*Technically speaking this isn't 100% accurate, but it's close enough for explanatory purposes.
MemberEven if you do the stronghold, you can't even fight her since it hasn't been implemented in yet. Hence my comment.
Memberwhy is the TF2 characters tagged? can you meet them? how?
MemberI don't know how... The only option to download is the one under the flash, and that only fits the flash to the screen. Even when I right click, nothing.
Doesn't Platemale have higher stats though??
Never seen this perk in my life. :/
No idea how you got speed to max in 40 days, but gg.
user 59725
MemberRight click on the link -> save as (or "save link as", "save target as", or similar depending on browser).
(alternative) You should also be able to go to File -> "save as" (or something similar) if you already clicked download, but the first method should work with most browsers.
MemberCan I use a save editor for this?
MemberThat's 1 year I'm in this world and no next champions are coming for help me!
That's can be a good idea for finish good the game!
MemberI like the option to "destroy" Urta. It should do more than just make her cry though, but she's a poorly developed character anyway.
Member... Well... That sucks... Well... Does this game have an end? Don't get me wrong, I love it alot... I'm just wondering.
MemberWow look at us, sharing strategies, recommendations, and all of the other stuff for this one simple (not really) game! XD
MemberFenoxo should make it possible to become a Gnoll or hyena as well... (not intended to offend or to be rude)
MemberI feel like Raphael is pretty much a clone of Puss in Boots.
They're both outlaws, related to an orphanage in the middle of a desert, charming, skilled in fencing and thievery, made out with others before the one that changed them, etc.
Memberlove this whole fetish cult thingy
user 185302
MemberI love games like this.
I can't believe I only found this today!
Member...... How do I find Fox Berries? Not from Erlking or the Kitsune Gifts... I turned Erlking into one hell of a sad femboy slut... o.o
MemberI know I comment too much... But I wonder if Fenoxo can make SOME outfits come with perks, like stealth, bonus speed or something... =w= Me dumb...
Nicole Walker
MemberI updated my windows to Windows 10, all my data was deleted. XC WTF, I mean I'm all or starting all over again but come one Urta and me were about to have our first kid, goddamn it. Well anyway yea, at least I can play again.
MemberHow do i turn back into male... freken witch gave me tits lel , also how to turn back into human... alot of side effects of stupidly eating everything that ended up in my invetory...
MemberI don't know how to become human again... But uh, see that rat guy at the lake? Buy stuff from him 3 times and he'll move to your camp if you want him too, and wait for him to come up with the reducto, and uh, use the old rat guy to purify your succubi milk and/or incubi draft, don't drink too much though, and uh... Incubi Draft helps you appear more masculine but still need the old rat guy to purify it for 20 gems, 3 bottles should make you at least look human...
MemberAnd I only mispell because my computer get's slow... .-.
Memberwhy does my gems say "++++"?
Membertheres a glitch in the system,causing 4 plussess to be where my gem count should be.
thats what it says
user 185302
MemberCan Katherine get you pregnant?
MemberThat's not a glitch - that means that you have more than 10,000 gems - if you look at your appearance link at the top of the window, it'll give you an accurate count of your gem inventory.
Memberoh okay thank you^^
Memberbtw fenoxo can you add like a autofellatio where if your length is big enough you can give yourself head?
user 59725
MemberFenoxo is unlikely to see your comment here. You would probably have better luck looking on his website for how to submit suggestions like this (maybe try the CoC forums.
MemberYou guys are amazing, thankies!! ^^
MemberYou can buy them from the bakery in Tel'Adre for dirt cheap, and I think Benot has them sometimes... but the bakery sells them for 5 gems, I think.
MemberWelcome to the Fenoxi Cult. Once you're in, you never leave. Seriously, I think I'm addicted to these.
user 185302
MemberWhere do you find the "Reducto Salve"?
MemberYou have to get Rathazul to move in with you by buying three items then buy something from him after he's moved in and he will then offer it to you.
MemberHow do I beat my own reflection at Lethice's stronghold thingy? I always lose for bull-poo... 100% lust out of no where.
MemberMost likely, it will end when you are able to defeat Lethice. Unfortunately, she has yet to be implemented into the game.
You should go to fenoxo's forums and comment that over there (http://forum.fenoxo.com/forum-30.html) . That would be an interesting concept in the game.
MemberYou should try fenoxo's other game TiTS (Trials in Tainted Space) . Although, it's still being worked on at the moment.
MemberThere is a way to become human, but it can only be done by cheats. If you pressed the following keys (↑ ↓ ← →) , then you will get hummus, which will make you fully human again. Just make sure you only do it once, as trying to get it a second time automatically gives you a bad end.
Member... Dat avatar doe!!! XD
Memberthe game broke. i cant go to kathrines place anymore
Memberso ive stopped the factory,,, made peace with the sand wich , harpy queen ... how do i actually beat this game...
MemberThis is my first text game and I think it's the best game I've ever played. Good story, interesting characters and of course furry content (full of it). Praise Fenoxo for making such masterpiece.
MemberWelcome to our following. Feel free to stay as long as you want, since pretty much nobody ever wants to leave. We fenoxans are a friendly and intelligent people, and you yourself are about to embark on a long, glorious adventure full of excitement, sex, battles, sex, colorful people, sex, romance, sex, danger, sex, family, and sex. As a well enlightened ninetails, I advise you to take caution, but don't be afraid to let loose.
MemberYou forgot about 15 mentions of rape.
MemberIt's a pity that the game hasn't been completed. Does anyone know (or heard) about revamp mod?
Vore crap33
MemberAnd sex.
MemberI'm wondering is there any way to make your penis in-game thicker without getting an overly large length?
I've got the issue with a cock that's 18.5 inches long, and only 2 inches wide... Is kind of upsetting.
Memberwhat is max player level.. and is this game beatable...
MemberAm I the only one who thought Whitney looked like Applejack?
MemberAlso, how do I get spells?
Memberi used a dragon til (got it from dirnking embers blood and save/editing) and then it takes like 5 turns.for you idk how your character is though you can try the bull
Memberwe do human sacrifices every friday from 10 pm to 3 am do our lord Fenoxo. just go to these coorindates: at 52.376552,5.198303. Praise Fenoxo!
MemberAren't they nearly synonymous in this? I thought that was implied.
Memberi was up to day # 110 before my browser closed out on it's own lol
Illusive Man
Membersomebody help! wiki is not working anymoar and i cannot finda way to decrease lust in battle :c what do i have to drink and where to get it???
Illusive Man
Memberthank you soo much i just wantet to dominate sophie tho :P wanted to check if she will pop eggs while anal ;]
Illusive Man
Memberaurel might i ask something that is bottering me allot in the game, well its about knotting, can the hero knot his preys when he eats allot of knotty pepper or there is no such option?
Illusive Man
Memberthis is exactly why i need wiki for those kind of games i miss something specific and cannot go back because saved on old data... im now working to impregnate ember and kiha (if possible) but just read i needed to feed ember egg with something to impregnate her... shit what now?
MemberHow can you become an Oni like Izumi?
Memberhonestly, this game surprises me in just how long i've spent playing it even when not horny. unlike a lot of adult "games", Corruption of Champions manages to be a very enjoyable RPG on it's own merits with interesting characters and surprisingly deep lore. 10/10, simply outstanding.
Memberlol as long as you grind you can get everything except urtas stuff done in one go
Illusive Man
Memberok can you write witch one characters can be impregnated?
Illusive Man
Memberthanks alot man, and yeah engrish is what i know but hey if you ever wanted to talk to me in my native language it will be my honor im sure we would talk without even one mistake ;)
MemberI have amily AS lover now but where is the footjob Option?
Memberoh shit nevermind found the amily footjob part...
just had to let her take the lead
(sry for bad english)
MemberOkay so I'm trying to access the Wiki page and it won't come up; apparently there's a 'connection error.'
Is anybody else experiencing this?
Illusive Man
6 days ago
2015 anthro blush celabay dragon female horn japanese_text scalie simple_background solo text white_background wings wyvern Rating: Safe Score: 5 User: cat Date: April 07, 2015
:/ now that was a strike <_<
kk, if its an european language, I shall trust google translate to make me look like an idiot :D
Anywayyyyy: http://wiki.smutosaur.us/Corruption_of_Champions
Another wiki :D And its only a lot suckier xD
...I missed a lot of other characters :p
Illusive Man
MemberHow can i play this game on android?
Got any ideas aurel?
Memberwhat makes me laugh is when u delete a file it says it takes an aroew to the knen
Illusive Man
Memberthanks im gonna try it out now im working to transform into corrupted dridrel and pack some eggs into phylla aw man its gonna be awesome
MemberWeapon: beautiful sword (Attack - 16)
Armor : green adventurer’s clothes (Defense - 2)
My name is Link... Lol.
If only there was an ocarina weapon.
user 59725
MemberClick download, then go to File -> "Save as" or "Save page as" (depending on browser/OS). The file will end in .swf, which you can manually open up in your browser of choice.
MemberWhy is there no Whitney art?
Memberit doesn have the download option for me
Memberwhen i click download it doesn't bring up the "save file" option
MemberHow can i find a black egg? Want the LaTeX goo-girl :-)
MemberFenoxo seems to have put it off what little left there is to make/update for the time being, adding other features instead.
Also, there is Whitney art. Assuming you have her farm as a Place, of course.
user 59725
MemberI'm assuming you are using a desktop computer and not a mobile device like a phone, correct? What browser are you using?
MemberThank you very much... Oh and sry i just cant resist to upvote my own comment its an addiction 0_0
MemberIs there a way to decrease vaginal capacity?? I really want to but I haven't been able to find a way.
Memberok normally i don't like to give criticism because then everyone and their mother labels you a dick but this needs to be said. this game is HORRID with it's difficulty curve. now don't get me wrong i do enjoy this game and i tend to ignore it's more dickish elements like everything and it's mother being a trap and the massive spike in levels from the mountain to the plain but once i did the sylia side quest that's when i snapped. you do not put somoene up against level 6 beginner monsters as bosses then just go more the double that level for hte next fight. that is horrid game design and although it can be ignored when it leads to something as simple (but still annoying) as rape it is inexcusable when it ruins an entire event for you! please fix this either make the last fight level 10 or so or maybe have one of the antmorphs warn your character that the queen has snapped or something some type of warning to a more then double level difficulty spike!
Illusive Man
MemberI finally found download for android users!
Memberis there going to be updated again or it is done and can you put some race like wolf fox cay stuff like that and can there be a futa gender too
Memberby those just that you can have a lot of stuff
Memberalso my char just had a nightmare about the headless horseman and woke up to her toe actually having been stubbed
Memberthe only thing I haven't been able to find is something to increase height
Memberand before anyone says it I don't mean the height of your junk -.-
Membercouldn't find la bova tried minotaur blood just made me transform
Ryuzaki Tritium
MemberSo where's the most recent version?
Memberthis one obviously
MemberI saw someone asking about urta earlier shes infertile so no at first you cannot but after her status becomes lover you have the option to look into it so there might be a chance for you to either get her pregnant or get pregnant from her
Memberand apparently if you click look into it you play as urta for a bit
Memberapparently urta had a sleeping god within her when you play as her you travel to the gods shrine wake it and it makes it so she can get pregnant and impregnate others
MemberOK when are they gonna fix hyper happy mode it says only reducto and humnus will shrink endowments but succubi milk shrinks penis and incubi draft shrinks breasts I wanna make the perfect herm demon but I can't while hyper happy mode doesn't work on them
MemberI want that character ;_;
Memberi use a mac where would my downloaded saves be?
Memberin the next update id like to be able to break the spells binding the gargoyle girl whom i've taken to call Sylera from the cathedral and make her your traveling companion. guess i've gotten kind of attached ^_^'
MemberAny way to use cheat-engine on this? I keep clearing cookies and losing everything -.-
MemberYou have to download the editor for cheats. Go to http://sourceforge.net/projects/coced/
to download it.
MemberEvery freaking time i beat that pain in the arse gardener in the Stronghold...there is an update and I lose my record -sniffles-.
Memberanybody know when the cocediter is going to come out for this?
MemberI'm confused at why eating a fish, A GODDAMN FISH, is increasing my corruption. Explanation, plz?
MemberHow do I remove Ceraph's godforsaken piercings?
MemberMeaning I still won't be able to fight after getting a piercing removed?
MemberIs it just me, or does Marae look like a really, REALLY fat Gardevoir?
Memberi can't help but love how Fenoxo also added holiday content to this ^_^. a shame he didn't add anything about halloween. that's my favourite holiday. wait a sec. did i even play it before october 31? or did i just miss it? meh not sure. still love it though!
The Insanity
MemberHi, I have play this game until I have reached level 28. let's stop talking about me and straight to point. I have four questions:
1. I have done with the factory, deep cave, desert cave, stronghold and the harpy queen's castle. Is there any other dungeon then those?
2.The most mysterious character in this game is Dominika and sometimes kinda sucpisous. Who is she actually?
3. Who is Lynnette? Is she a new character?
4. How can I find the main boss?
That all, thank you
Member1. I've been playing for quite some time, so pardon me if I'm wrong, but I'm 90% sure that's all the permanent dungeons. Urta's quest is an option if you're close and don't mind ditching her penis and infertility.
2. Dominika is a magic expert who give blowjobs exclusively and plans to destroy Tel'adre if you let her.
3. I don't remember meeting her, so I can't help there.
4. If you've beaten Lethice's Stronghold, you may as well have beaten the game. She hasn't been implemented yet, and there's no more bosses to fight, you may as well relax and enjoy the fap material. Also viable is collecting all the recuitable characters. Gotta do 'em all!
The Insanity
MemberThank you very much
MemberAny time. You can always consult a wiki or the community if you need something!
MemberLooking back, I do know Lynette. She's the goblin hair stylist in the Mountains. Finding her allows you to access the Salon any time, permitting you to change hair color and length for a price.
Nope. You can put on some pretty revealing clothing though.
MemberFor anyone wondering about why TF2 characters are tagged on this, I'm not sure if it still exists as a thing in the game or not, but I did read somewhere that if you start the game, and go into the Mountains as a lvl 1 character with 50 strength or less, and encounter a Minotaur, and it has to be your first Minotaur encountered, there will be a scene where you have a chance to be saved by a band of fighters clad in blue, bearing striking resemblances to the Demo, Pyro, Spy, and Heavy. Afterwards, the Spy will then inform you that "Everybody gets ONE". It IS a missable scene, from what I read.
Memberi just became the most powerful masterbater
I also have a gigantic Cock
MemberI mean fanart, visual.
MemberIs there a way to turn into a Ninetails without being a Corrupted Ninetails?
Ulti Kitsune
MemberTake an upgraded Fox Jewel to the Deepwoods until you find a place where you could read books, meditate, or take the statue. Just meditate at that place with the Jewel in your inventory. (You have to already have 8 tails to become a Ninetails when doing this.)
MemberDo you mean I need to go from Fox Berry to Mystic Jewel?
MemberOmg i get a Mystic Jewel, I have 8 Tails, I get to the place where you either read books, meditate or interact with the statue, nothing happens beyond some stat increases, but then I try REPEATEDLY to get back and I cant get to that same spot again no matter how many times I explore the Deepwoods :/
MemberAlso, I am a Fox-Morph with 8 Tails if that helps, dunno if it matters if it says Fox-Morph or Kitsune-Morph but I have 8 tails and the Mystic Jewel even as a Fox-Morph.
Ulti Kitsune
MemberI have only been able to get it to work when it said I was a Kitsune. I don't know if you can as a fox morph.
MemberI see, thanks
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