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Just Penny lovin some uncut Bojack dick.

  • Comments
  • The human dick kinda ruins this for me... Then again the lack of a tail in the original show kinda ruined it for me. Still a great storyline.

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  • omegatron111 said:
    i fucking knew it right when i saw this episode that someone out there was gonna make this happen

    We all knew that it was going to happen sooner or later.

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  • derptron5000 said:
    So glad he drew a human dick for once.

    Horse cock would have been better. Wanna see human dicks go look at human porn. That artist did say he was making another version with horse cock though so it works out.

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  • Wasatch said:
    But wait, she said she had condoms... TOATS NOT ACCURATE OMG WTF!?!?!?!

    Obviously ahe decided against it! OMG WTF!?!?!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAAA XD

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  • LongDongSilverdog said:
    Horse cock would have been better. Wanna see human dicks go look at human porn. That artist did say he was making another version with horse cock though so it works out.

    muh dick elitism

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  • captainR said:
    i kind of wish he banged the daughter to get revenege in the end :p

    Bojack isn´t like that... He doesn´t want to take revenge

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  • captainR said:
    i kind of wish he banged the daughter to get revenege in the end :p

    Khakiwolf said:
    Fucking balloon ruined it. Bojack almost hit that.

    After he shot her down twice, I honestly don't see him suddenly deciding to screw her. Kinda hoping they show what happened so we know if they were really about to have sex, or if it was just poor timing.

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  • even thought he wanted to a responsible adult and tried to tell Penny to go to bed but deep down he wanted to fuck her. its the closet he'll get to fucking charlotte like in dream sequence.

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