nintendo and etc created by fruitymilk
Parent: post #709746 (learn more) show »

And the obligatory GIF version since some people still don't use or trust WEBM

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  • >And the obligatory GIF version since some people still don't use or trust WEBM

    Citation needed, it's basically a lightweight video format.

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  • Danjen said:
    >And the obligatory GIF version since some people still don't use or trust WEBM

    Citation needed, it's basically a lightweight video format.

    I mostly blame e621 still not able to generate thumbnails for anything not a general image.
    A gif shows a thumbnail so people click it.
    There's a lot of people who won't click 'VIDEO' or 'FLASH' because they can't see what it is.

    My submissions in the past I do WEBM, SWF and GIF. SWF and GIF are the most popular for the exact same upload.

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  • This is a pretty good animation, even if it's a little dull. I like the shifting expression on the vaporeon, it makes it cute

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  • and also, webms arent supported by older browsers.
    not everyone wants a plain-ass looking, illogically changed browser which looks like they were designed for the microscopic screens of mobiles.
    i can open webms from the browser with an external player, but its a bit much to just see what its about.
    and webms are also video, not image formats, so its generally harder to do something with them... or handle them. or whatever. images can be used basically everywhere.

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  • FruityMilk said:
    There's a lot of people who won't click 'VIDEO' or 'FLASH' because they can't see what it is.

    SWF and GIF are the most popular for the exact same upload.

    Then maybe, stick with those formats instead of scoffing the people that like your animations? It's not rocket science, and at the end of the day, you look like less of a dick for blaming others over their own tastes when it comes to upload options.

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