fox mccloud and wolf o'donnell (nintendo and etc) created by pkaocko
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"here's the latest entry in my recent series of disappointing fanart

since starfox zero's release date got delayed here's wolf delaying another one of fox's releases while warming up for his inevitable inclusion as smash DLC"

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  • Fox: "We'll just see about that, Star Wolf!"
    Wolf: "Don't get too cocky, Star Fox!"
    Wolf: "What the heck?"
    Wolf: "What? Is that all you've got?
    Fox: "There's one more to go!"
    Fox: "All aircraft report!"
    falco: "Falco here. I'm fine."
    Slippy: "Slippy here. I'm okay."
    Peppy: "This is Peppy. All systems go."
    Wolf: "No WAY! I DON'T believe it!!!"
    fox: "Split up, and take it to them!"
    Falco: "Let's go!"
    peppy: "Aim for his back!"
    Wolf: "I...can't...lose!...

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  • Werner said:
    Fox: "We'll just see about that, Star Wolf!"
    Wolf: "Don't get too cocky, Star Fox!"
    Wolf: "What the heck?"
    Wolf: "What? Is that all you've got?
    Fox: "There's one more to go!"
    Fox: "All aircraft report!"
    falco: "Falco here. I'm fine."
    Slippy: "Slippy here. I'm okay."
    Peppy: "This is Peppy. All systems go."
    Wolf: "No WAY! I DON'T believe it!!!"
    fox: "Split up, and take it to them!"
    Falco: "Let's go!"
    peppy: "Aim for his back!"
    Wolf: "I...can't...lose!...

    Slippy: Fox! get this guy off my back!
    God damnit slippy...

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  • CaptainScuzzbag said:
    But guyz how can we be shor this is male/ambiguous

    i meen 4 all wii no faux has bubs in pictor we cnt C!

    that was one of the worst pieces of text i have ever read

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  • Fara_Phoenix said:
    Some people get it...

    Calling that insult to the English language sattire is like saying cold medicine is meth.

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  • Fara_Phoenix said:
    Some people get it...

    the fact that it was purposely badly written and its meant as joke to make fun of the tag what you see rule (which i did understand without you pointing it out) does not make it any less painful to read.

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  • Holy fuck, that Wolf bubble butt has me looking at him in a whole new light. Also, please don't call your art disappointing, your colors are great! :D

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  • Werner said:
    Fox: "We'll just see about that, Star Wolf!"
    Wolf: "Don't get too cocky, Star Fox!"
    Wolf: "What the heck?"
    Wolf: "What? Is that all you've got?
    Fox: "There's one more to go!"
    Fox: "All aircraft report!"
    falco: "Falco here. I'm fine."
    Slippy: "Slippy here. I'm okay."
    Peppy: "This is Peppy. All systems go."
    Wolf: "No WAY! I DON'T believe it!!!"
    fox: "Split up, and take it to them!"
    Falco: "Let's go!"
    peppy: "Aim for his back!"
    Wolf: "I...can't...lose!...

    Slippy: Things are starting to heat up.
    Peppy: He's quick, be careful!
    Slippy: These guys are tough!
    Peppy: I'm sure we hurt him that time!
    Falco: Jeez, quit movin' around!
    Peppy: Don't go to fast, Falco!
    Falco: Hey Einstein, I'm on your side!
    Slippy: Hey, what's the big idea!?
    Peppy: Knock it off, Fox!
    Falco: Man, they're fast!
    Slippy: It's too hot! I can't take it anymore!
    Falco: Pipe down slippy, just hold on!
    Peppy: Quit dinkin' around, Slip!
    Falco: Shoot! I'm takin' damage!
    Peppy: What's takin' ya so long, Fox!

    Okay, I'm getting carried away with this, I'll stop now.

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