snow created by iskra
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  • Comments
  • I have run into Snow several times on Flist...
    Honestly even in telling her that your a fan...
    Pretty stuck up and that's a shame.

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  • Hammer_Hand said:
    I have run into Snow several times on Flist...
    Honestly even in telling her that your a fan...
    Pretty stuck up and that's a shame.

    I apologize if we ever spoke and I came off as rude, but I assure you that it was more likely me being busy and unable to pay attention than intentional rudeness. D:

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  • Snows said:
    I apologize if we ever spoke and I came off as rude, but I assure you that it was more likely me being busy and unable to pay attention than intentional rudeness. D:

    I'm sure a snout between your legs would get your attention!

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  • Snows said:
    I apologize if we ever spoke and I came off as rude, but I assure you that it was more likely me being busy and unable to pay attention than intentional rudeness. D:

    I wouldn't worry about it too much. Everyone who knows me knows that I'm pretty nice and kind, and yet more than one person has told me that I come across catty and aloof.

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