toriel (undertale (series) and etc) created by don ko
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  • Probably the poor child will remain traumatized for life.
    But the "player" that controls the child, no. However, the game is good, a little short but beautiful. However, the "way of the massacre" is too boring, the "way of goodness" is the most challenging and rewarding.But remember: PRAISE THE DETERMINATION!
    (and the sun)

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  • BlurredLight said:

    Big Breasts= "Highly Mother Like", it doesn't. You know what makes a good mother? One that truely cares for her children. If you're into incest, yeah, sure, I guess that's when "big breasts" could be a valid point.

    Breasts do not equal the ability to love and to be a mother.

    I think it's more of a women with large breast is more capable of breast feeding and having wider hips makes her more suitable for birthing children type thing.

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  • Hiatuss said:
    I think it's more of a women with large breast is more capable of breast feeding and having wider hips makes her more suitable for birthing children type thing.

    Right and wrong. That is one of the reasons but the main one I was getting at is that toriel treats chara like her own child(As well as some of us using our names as the player name) creates more of an attatchment to toriel in that (I dont want anything happening to her) kind of feeling.

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