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  • Comments
  • After looking past the big wow effect this has this is what I have come up with. the forefront detail is very nice. I love the way the lighting plays of the rocks.

    With the top of the flames it looks like there is a bit of wind. Would have liked to see the tail moving in the wind as well.

    Just my opinion but the flames start to far down what would be considered the hairline on the head. Makes the head look flat and to 2D.

    The moon is to out of focus even for a back focus item. Hurts my eyes.

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  • Drkpaw said:
    The moon is to out of focus even for a back focus item. Hurts my eyes.

    I had no idea what you were talking about until I actually took a good look at the moon. So long as your eyes stay glued to the sexy siren (or even the flame effects on the rocks) the moon looks exactly as it should; it's only when you focus on it that it begins to hurt your eyes.

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  • generic_furfag_42 said:
    The music is a sample from the song Our Truth by Lacuna Coil.

    I already knew this song (thanks Guitar Hero!) and I love it!

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  • generic_furfag_42 said:
    The music is a sample from the song Our Truth by Lacuna Coil.

    Thank you, I have been searching for the name of this song for three years.
    My life is complete.

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