flora (twokinds) created by tom fischbach
  • Comments
  • shou_minako said:

    I agree, just so I don't have to see anymore 'edits'

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  • I know this man is insain. He's got all the positions, he's just lacking the bits. No one's going to think less of him, in fact he'll probably be loved more so, as we don't need to wait for edits.

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  • blargflarg said:
    ugly hatchetfaced abomination, begone,

    furthermore, for the people who somehow find merit in this shit, the artist needs to fucking stop the charade and draw the porn already. this is three blobs of pink color away from porn. take the tiny fucking step.

    lol u mad?

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  • I'm probably alone on this, but I love that Tom draws this sexy stuff without the "bits". I suppose I could imagine him drawing really "light" porn like "nipples behind the fur" and "closed vagina" but anything beyond that and I feel like his art would lose a lot of what makes it so likable.

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  • hip-porcupine said:
    I'm probably alone on this, but I love that Tom draws this sexy stuff without the "bits". I suppose I could imagine him drawing really "light" porn like "nipples behind the fur" and "closed vagina" but anything beyond that and I feel like his art would lose a lot of what makes it so likable.

    I agree

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  • There are many ways to draw a furs nude, while not showing the bits with clever props, "hair" and poses that prevent such areas needing to be drawn. But its frustrating to see a drawer do this; draw in such a way that give a very strong impression of wanting to show exposed nudity, but then not draw it.

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  • There are people who look at his art because its good, not because its got nipples and pussy. Get over it, hell draw what he wants, when he wants.

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