ezria created by janner3d and tarakanovich
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Jessica_Anner said:

Tarakanovich spent a month creating this incredible piece of fan art for me!

Support him over at his Patreon! : https://www.patreon.com/tarakanovich
Or through buying prints of his art : http://sgproductions.ecshop.com.br/tarakanovich/

Also follow him on Twitter : https://twitter.com/TarakanovichHF
Or on HentaiFoundry : https://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/Tarakanovich/profile

He also streams on Pictaro : https://www.picarto.tv/live/multistream.php?watch=Tarakanovich

  • Comments
  • Battle_Fennec said:
    A month? Jeez. What took so long?

    Things like this SHOULD take time, its not about rushing things to keep shitting out content at a quantity over quality hasty rate, however long it takes to make a pic that looks this nice should be standard.

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  • Queen_Sectonia said:
    Things like this SHOULD take time, its not about rushing things to keep shitting out content at a quantity over quality hasty rate, however long it takes to make a pic that looks this nice should be standard.

    ehhhh... a month on a single piece is not likely to be financially sustainable. unless the artist is getting +$4k a commission. which, i just don't see happening for digital media.

    however, a month *overall*... that's not unreasonable.

    time to work out various details of design, minor reworking, etc. assuming this piece isn't the only object in the work flow.

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  • jasonjason said:
    ehhhh... a month on a single piece is not likely to be financially sustainable. unless the artist is getting +$4k a commission. which, i just don't see happening for digital media.

    however, a month *overall*... that's not unreasonable.

    time to work out various details of design, minor reworking, etc. assuming this piece isn't the only object in the work flow.

    Budgeting your time and doing a little on multiple images a day/week throughout the month if you keep at it, you could probably make a good few of images like this in the timeframe. Its unrealistic that it was the ONLY thing during that time that was worked on, which I don't think is the case.

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