ranger wolf created by zaush
Children: 1 child (learn more) show »
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  • zaffeh said:
    so he didnt quit art?

    What, are you suggesting there are people who <i>actually</i> quit when they raegquit? I think you might be mistaken.

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  • ... Nevermind, this argument was old <i>before</i> the last time. I suppose I'll go ask Arcturus or somebody for a final word one way or the other.

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  • its size difference! com'on people. seriously. some people happen to draw according to realism based on height, weight, and proportion of species in relation to one another. its simple in this image: a very large and dominant canine with an otter, who by nature, is smaller than a wolf.
    yes, it seems it is cub but it's not, research before you tag things incorrectly.
    *adjusts monocle*

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  • acct0283476 said:
    What, are you suggesting there are people who <i>actually</i> quit when they raegquit? I think you might be mistaken.

    I dont understand, he has dealt with trolls all his career and now all of a sudden he gets butthurt? i srsly dont get it

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  • Even if it is a cub, I believe you "moralityfags" really haven't room to talk with your own fetishes. Fursuits? Uniforms? Skinheads? Scat? Huge breasts? Cockvore?

    Also, no one complained the otters were small in Wan's comic, November's Bribe, page 2 (http://e621.net/post/show/53068/). Where were the moralityfags there?

    If you don't like it DON'T LOOK.

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  • acct0283476 said:
    Please explain how an uninformed bystander would assume anything else? 'Cause that's pretty much what we have to tag by in that case.

    Tanek_Woofer said:
    its size difference! com'on people. seriously. some people happen to draw according to realism based on height, weight, and proportion of species in relation to one another. its simple in this image: a very large and dominant canine with an otter, who by nature, is smaller than a wolf.
    yes, it seems it is cub but it's not, research before you tag things incorrectly.
    *adjusts monocle*

    RlctntFr said:
    I am favoriting this despite my disturbance at the very cub-like otter. It's still a pretty hot pic and the fact that it's not intended to be cub makes it easier to fap to. Fickle? Maybe, but I can't help it if cub stuff totally turns me off.

    If you know Adam Wan's work, you would know this: Since when does Adam Wan draw cubs? All I've seen were midget-sized furs.

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  • Hehe, everyone's arguing about "cub or not". My first reaction was, "Hm...dog tags. Don't ask, don't tell I guess."

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  • If I was that much smaller than the other guy, I think I could be convinced to give them a nice blowjob like that.

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  • Sakkano said:
    Even if it is a cub, I believe you "moralityfags" really haven't room to talk with your own fetishes. Fursuits? Uniforms? Skinheads? Scat? Huge breasts? Cockvore?

    Also, no one complained the otters were small in Wan's comic, November's Bribe, page 2 (http://e621.net/post/show/53068/). Where were the moralityfags there?

    If you don't like it DON'T LOOK.

    Neither did Wan bother to ever finish that since it doesnt seem to be on e621..

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  • LittleCodingFox said:
    Otters are small.

    until adam draws all anthros respective to the sizes of their species, that means jack squat.
    although at least with his more recent work, it doesn't look so pedophiliac, small characters actually look like short adult characters. So I have no complaint about pedophilia anymore

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  • gosman said:
    until adam draws all anthros respective to the sizes of their species, that means jack squat.

    Doesn't he draw all otters that size though? He seems to do otters a lot and I don't think I've ever seen him draw one as big as, say, that canine character.

    Whatever though. I'm certainly not into cub and I find this pic really hot.

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  • Sakkano said:
    Even if it is a cub, I believe you "moralityfags" really haven't room to talk with your own fetishes. Fursuits? Uniforms? Skinheads? Scat? Huge breasts? Cockvore?

    Also, no one complained the otters were small in Wan's comic, November's Bribe, page 2 (http://e621.net/post/show/53068/). Where were the moralityfags there?

    If you don't like it DON'T LOOK.

    Last I checked, none of that was comparable to literal pedophilia.

    That's plainly not what's on display here, but I'll happily die on the hill of being grossed out by child porn.

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