created by nuthouse
  • Comments
  • Aw look, a cute blowjob.

    Wow, such an aggressive blowjob!

    Wh- wait, what?


    Eh, I ain't even mad.

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  • I would like to see that cheetah sucking on that prick.

    But yeah, it's pretty accurate if you are dealing with a cheetah in the nature. At least he got his finish.

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  • FullOfPropane said:
    This is great. Not because it's my fetish or anything but something about this feels very satisfying in a non sexual way.

    You might want to go talk to someone about that.

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  • Tornadomaster203 said:
    Fetishes like these are only created by disturbed people.

    People say the same things about bronies and furries.

    This is pretty darn far from what I prefer. But the animation is of good quality, if a bit too fast.

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  • Can we not get a different thumbnail on this? It's obvious what it was intended for...

    Tags would also help to keep this shit out of my feed.

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  • Inquisitor231 said:
    Can we not get a different thumbnail on this? It's obvious what it was intended for...

    Tags would also help to keep this shit out of my feed.

    Yeah, it honestly looked to me like it would be a blowjob. The by then already quite huge amount of accumulated downvotes only made me think it was probably animated terribly, since I didn't see any signs of impending gore in the thumb (or well... guess I considered the possibility somewhere in the back of my mind). Foolish of me.

    Good thing we have actually have a tag for this sort of mindfuckery! :3

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  • ...eeeeeeee.

    This is very close to that line where my "fuck that shit" instinct nearly overwhelms my reasoning to just let things lie. I now fear for my penis.

    All the same, it's very well animated and I like the art style. Just... not the content.

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  • How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? Cheetah never made it without biting.

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  • Opens*
    Whatches the first time: OMFG WHA- WHY?
    Second time: ok... So... There is actually a bone...
    Third time: where is the blood?
    Fourth time: *masturbates furiously*

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  • Oh my god, I literally threw up in my mouth, I don't dislike anyone BECAUSE they're into this, but I question HOW are they into this?

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  • Aelvir said:
    I think I speak for everyone and anyone when I say: Literally eating someone's penis DOES NOT count as hard vore. :\ I think it is considered MUTILATION

    I mean, isn't vore with biting, chewing, and real-ish consequences exactly what hard vore is?

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  • This is one of the hottest things I've ever seen.

    But can you guys stop? Please? I get it. It's not your cup of tea. But does that really need to be said? Do you really need to mention that at all? Do you go around to every image that doesn't include your specific fetishes and comment about how it's not for you?

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  • *Adjusts a pair of reading glasses precariously close to the edge of his nose* Oh my...I....Don't need these glasses.

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  • Me before clicking: Why is this so downvoted? I just looks like a pretty good painting of a...

    Me after clicking: AAHHHH, Oh GOD no!!! [Confused screaming]

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  • FoxWorks said:
    Me before clicking: Why is this so downvoted? I just looks like a pretty good painting of a...

    Me after clicking: AAHHHH, Oh GOD no!!! [Confused screaming]

    My reaction in a nutshell X3

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  • I wonder if many people imagine furry dicks to have os penis. To me the concept doesn't look compatible with the humanoid anatomy that makes a furry.

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  • *when you don't want to be intolerant, but care for the well being of people who like this... as well as your penis*

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  • Ok, so it's a bit confronting when you first see it, but damn is it a well made bit of animation.

    DAud_IcI said:
    I wonder if many people imagine furry dicks to have os penis. To me the concept doesn't look compatible with the humanoid anatomy that makes a furry.

    There seems to be a great divide between those that like humanoid penises and species specific penises. My two cents would be that those like myself who like the myriad of shapes penises can come in including canine shafts wouldn't really care about if there is a bone inside or not. Although the bone probably helps keep everything being inserted in true/straight so as to get a rapidly engorging knot inside.

    Ok I've change my mind if the bone helps the penis not squish up when ramming a knot in before fully erect (the way feral canines actually work) then that is a very important thing! I hereby require all penises with knots need to also come with a baculum.

    As for compatibility with humanoids, um the internet has one or two example of actual humans interacting with those that have boned genitalia, and of the few examples I have seen where said genitalia is inserted into a human both parties don't seem unhappy about the matter, so I don't think they are completely incompatible.

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  • I wish it didn't flicker so much, hurts my eyes. The animation is great and I don't mind gore though that flicker has given me a headache.

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  • At least the animation is smooth and well done. The lighting effects where it constantly blinks is also a nice touch.
    But the subject matter is just kind-of frightening.

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  • Urgh, i hate how people downvote and hate on stuff that isnt to their tastes, if i did that to straight or gay porn id get a negative before i even hit post.

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  • I love how he humps at the end~
    The hotest thing I have ever seen even if I am kinda ashamed to feel this way

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  • It's freakier because there's not super intense detail, it's a silhouette with some definition for depth, but no more. So it's shocking but still leaves enough to the imagination to uncomfortably shudder about for ages.

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  • I'm genuinely curious as to how anyone could enjoy something like this. I mean, realistically it can only happen once...? It must be devastating without anesthesia, and then what kink would you be able to sexually enjoy without an appendage to enjoy it with???

    Just seems a bit of a counter-active kink, to me.

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  • Apparently, I have a fetish for outraged comments made by people who don't understand blacklisting.
    As for the animation, it's fucking hilarious.

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