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  • Comments
  • Seriously, why do they never gut and skin them first? Anything cooked without doing so is just downright fucking nasty. Not to mention predator species meat isn't that great to begin with.

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  • If you don't like this stuff, then don't look at it. It's very simple. Don't click on it. Or better yet, black list the tags that you know you don't like, I.e. Snuff, death, vore, rape, necrophilia.
    I know this is fucked up, but guess what? I also know that I'm kinda fucked up for liking it. But these are fictional characters in a fictional setting. He's a fucking Anthro pokemon, dressed as a Greek god, killing anthro animals and pokemon. There's nothing even marginally real about this. It's fucked up, yes, but just because it's fucked up does not mean it deserves negative votes. Those votes should be reserved for quality, not content. And it doesn't matter what your opinion on the subject matter is, the artist in question is fantastic.
    So you can all go take your close-minded down votes and shove them down your throats. Then, when you all choke and die on them, I'll screw your corpses and eat you for dinner :3

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  • -8
  • Zeetyphlosion said:
    So you can all go take your close-minded down votes and shove them down your throats. Then, when you all choke and die on them, I'll screw your corpses and eat you for dinner :3

    Was this part really needed? Seriously, was it? (͡°_ʖ͡°)

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  • shouldn't you skin an animal before you roast it over the fire? otherwise the burnt fur will smell like total hell.

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  • So... do those guys want to be killed? Because the new people are in the next picture even though I guess they have time to run away. Do they want to be killed and used for sex?

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