x-com created by fleki
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  • Heheh, look what I found in an interview with the developers.

    "[donald23] Can you name a feature that got added or changed because of feedback from the community? And can you tell something about how you listen to the community?
    [GF] We go over the several communities. For example the XCOM reddit and 2K forums.
    Another thing where the community is very much present in their office is this wall in one of the offices where they collect the various kinds of fan art. They print those and hang them there. For example several images of various depictions of the Snake Alien. There are a few there that got a raised eyebrow from HR when they walked by *laughing*
    Definitely the biggest feature they got from the community are the procedural generated maps. There were so much threads and fans asking for that. It simply couldn't be ignored."

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