hida (blizzard entertainment and etc) created by shinigamigirl
  • Comments
  • This situation looks............... odd.

    Her facial expression seems >pleasently surprised<.
    Her pose is >stepping over the bench<
    While the dragon (which seems to lay quite lazily on said bench) rose his wing desinterested with an obvious result to it.

    Maybe she told him to do so, but than the pose doesn't add up.
    Maybe he did it by him self, but than again- why would she step over him to begin with.

    Only idea that might fits is, she dared him to do so..... for ... what ever reason and he really did it - which neither of them had expected to happen. Kinda a last second reaction (spike of bravery), which crossed a few (unintended?) lines^^

    Oh boy. I overthink it, dont i?

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  • ZombieFX said:
    This situation looks............... odd.

    Her facial expression seems >pleasently surprised<.
    Her pose is >stepping over the bench<
    While the dragon (which seems to lay quite lazily on said bench) rose his wing desinterested with an obvious result to it.

    Maybe she told him to do so, but than the pose doesn't add up.
    Maybe he did it by him self, but than again- why would she step over him to begin with.

    Only idea that might fits is, she dared him to do so..... for ... what ever reason and he really did it - which neither of them had expected to happen. Kinda a last second reaction (spike of bravery), which crossed a few (unintended?) lines^^

    Oh boy. I overthink it, dont i?

    Hida's schtick is being sat on.

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  • I can't get the fact out of my head that all are basically British, so whenever you see pics like this, it's hard to tell if the British makes way better or worse.

    This calls for therapy

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