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  • That guy/kid looks so lucky. And that cloaca looks particularly snug. Would love to see a high res version of this, I don't think you can get a very big pic in tumblr so there probably is a bigger one somewhere.

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  • chdgs


    Queen_Sectonia said:
    ... Would love to see a high res version of this, I don't think you can get a very big pic in tumblr so there probably is a bigger one somewhere.

    Tumblr's horizontal resolution limit is 1280px, this is only 2/3 that, so Tumblr wasn't the limiting factor in this image's resolution. Similarly, the full image on Twitter tops out at 832px wide (Twitter ":orig" images have no apparent resolution limit). (Twitter version censored and heavier with JPG artifacts; likely uploaded with a mobile device)

    The source says this is a WIP. Larger one possible in the future. It looks like this is the largest version Kikurage chose to publish for now

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  • Queen_Sectonia said:
    there probably is a bigger one somewhere.

    I don't see it on Pixiv or the other sites listed on the Tumblr, which labels it WIP as of 12/27; perhaps a larger, finished version will be posted later.

    This is good.

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  • fire238 said:
    What would you do if an 800 lb. reptile started giving you the bedroom eyes?

    Depends on how well said reptile was at giving the bedroom eyes. This one is pretty cute and seems clean and gentle. I for one wouldn't have any problems with it.

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  • DOD said:
    That, how you be a dragon Knight first lesson

    "Dragons take very little major concern from sexual congress, and most draconic disputes end in the victor mounting the loser. In order to gain the respect of a dragon, you must learn to lose all shame and play by the rules of your dragon, lest they see you as weak for not claiming your right as the victor. This is also a major part of why the initiation ritual is often seen as scandalous by the world at large, it is to weed out the faint of heart"
    - Excerpt from the Dragonrider's Codex, Chapter 1.

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