created by ruaidri

Ball Gag <3

When I first got into this smut-drawing business, I seem to remember not having much of a fondness for ball gags. They're definitely grown on me over the years though, and I have to admit I'm particularly fond of their drool-inducing effect... and so, it would seem, is this little fox girl.

Another little doodle, this time experimenting with a new medium: Gouache. I've had the stuff for a long time and used it for bits and pieces of various pictures over the years, but for some reason it never occured to me to actually try a full painting with it, until now. So I did! It's rather different from watercolours and I didn't have much of any idea what I was doing The result isn't entirely awful, though I used some pretty rough paper so you'll need to forgive the bumplyness. Still, it might warrant some more playing around.

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