Invitation (colored)
A beautiful little temple sitting in the middle of a Japanese garden, on a cool day. And a warm, purring eastern dragon relaxing inside of it! It looks like he wouldn't mind some company to relax with him...
Well nirvana3 did this amazing piece of traditionally-drawn art for me, and so I took the time to add some color to it. Really love the way the original drawing looks, so many small details to admire.
Go show your love to the artist's submission here.
Art/lines @ nirvana3
Coloring @ your's truly
- Herpderplol *
BlockedHow the hell did he get in there? :/
MemberThe roof, or we, the viewer, could be coming through the door
I have this house in Skyrim. :-)
MemberSo goddamn hot
MemberFurry Art: An alternate reality where you can tongue your own asshole.
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