nika sharkeh created by renthedragon
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A little something I had whipped up after nikasharkeh pitched a simple idea of a PAK FA encountering an American drone in middle eastern airspace, based off a video of a Russian jet catching a visual of one of our drones in Syria.

Was in a crazy aero mood when I was working on this, so it expanded into a short, four-part comic. I'm currently working on a larger comic off to the side, some of you may know about it. Figured it may be best to start with something short and quick to see how I do.

Plus, I have been itching to make a PAK FA aeromorph for some time now. Wasn't too hard depicting Nika as one, since I already imagined most aeros having shark-avian-like traits. The tricky part here was translating her color pattern into a legitimate-looking paint scheme for modern fighter jets.

And yes, this IS the same drone from with some visual differences.

I'm working on Page 4 as we speak, so it should be available within the week. If I don't randomly get called into work. D:

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