coltthefurry created by ruaidri

Take a Peek

Commission for coltthefurry

What I am aiming for when it comes to my backgrounds, is to be able to consistently come up with relatively simple backgrounds that effectively portray the setting they intend to without requiring tons of small detail work, but also don't look too empty. I think this picture just about perfectly nails the balance I'm after. It still took a bit longer than I'd like it to, but I think with practice I could bring that down. Importantly, I think it gives the feeling of being in a bar without me having to draw tons of details characters and bottles and chairs and tables everywhere. So, victory I suppose! I just hope the commissioner, and of course all of you, like the picture. Lemme know your thoughts!

  • Comments
  • Normally I find the pics with a chastity cages a turn-off, but this is strangely alluring. I'm guessing it's because of the skirt and suggestive look.

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