judy hopps (zootopia and etc) created by carrot (artist)
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I'm sure Judy gets along quite well with her cop buddies now that she's earned their respect~! Of course, that won't stop them from making more challenges ;3

Judy, panting - "Ahh, ahhh.. Ook ok... How far is it now?"
Cop 1 - "... That's got to be at least 5 inches..."
Cop 2 - "I'm still surprised you got the whole head in."
Judy, panting - "Just goes to show you, h-hard work pays off~"
Cop 1, nudging Nick, snickering - "(That hole isn't going to be the same)"
Nick, shrugs - "(It was bound to happen sooner or later) Proud of ya Carrots~!"
Cop 1 to Cop 2 - "Where'd ya guys get the books?"
Cop 2 - "Bogo's office."
Cop 1 - "The toy?"
Cop 2 - "Claw Hauser."

  • Comments
  • happysadface said:
    that looks to equine like for her to fit it in especially without it coming out her mouth

    Whether something could physically fit or not has never mattered before to this community. Still I'm surprised and disappointed that you've been downvoted for submitting a perfectly valid criticism with no attached negativity.

    The art here, with its excellent colors, framing, and details is much classier than some of the people viewing it, or so it seems.

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