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  • Comments
  • Wow, This is has got to be the longest and entertaining animation I've ever seen. :D

    I sorta jammed down with this music too! XD

    Also, isn't this the same animation when princess Peach, Daisy, Samus Aran, etc., had sex like this too?

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  • DJ-WOLFBEAT5 said:
    Wow, This is has got to be the longest and entertaining animation I've ever seen. :D

    I sorta jammed down with this music too! XD

    Also, isn't this the same animation when princess Peach, Daisy, Samus Aran, etc., had sex like this too?

    I don't know I have not seen them but probably.

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  • DJ-WOLFBEAT5 said:
    Wow, This is has got to be the longest and entertaining animation I've ever seen. :D

    I sorta jammed down with this music too! XD

    Also, isn't this the same animation when princess Peach, Daisy, Samus Aran, etc., had sex like this too?

    I remember one with Rosalina but none other. If anyone has links to any others like these, post em. You made me...Curious.

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  • I like this animation, my only issue wiith it is the expressions in the beginning, her eyes go kinda weird for a bit, it gets much better closer to the end though.

    Also, just curious, what is she holding?

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  • I am very impressed with this, damn. I had to look at the clock a few times seeing how long the animation was, and eventually finished thinking it was almost done only to be a fake out... which was the first out of like 2-3 more fake out finishers. So then I was just watching this for the entertainment and the music. Definitely something that is entertaining enough to watch even if you aren't horny.

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  • DJ-WOLFBEAT5 said:
    Wow, This is has got to be the longest and entertaining animation I've ever seen. :D

    I sorta jammed down with this music too! XD

    Also, isn't this the same animation when princess Peach, Daisy, Samus Aran, etc., had sex like this too?

    To clarify, this is by the same person who made that flash, but you're referring to a different flash that had all those characters. The original version of this flash was just Rosalina.

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  • This was a fun endurance test....

    Too bad I passed on the second try, I would've loved to go longer.

    10/10 due to length.

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  • Antallo said:
    Do people actually find this sexy?

    Why wouldn't they? Judging from your comment alone, I could assume that you do not. But just because YOU may not sexually enjoy this particular flash doesn't mean others don't. Why even ask?

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  • Amazingly surprising! I Originally was put off by the confusing context, but stayed for the unexpected wtfuckery of this. Kinda digging the sheer nonsense of this despite my original hesitation. Still put off though everytime I see the... I'm guessing sapphire? I thought maybe it was a badge or something? I think with a little bit of work you could make it the badge like on a string or maybe a crop? and definitely changing the guy to Nick, and turning the clouds into bedding? these are all suggestions, however I still love this as is, could honestly head in the opposite direction and add more mashup insanity to this.

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  • Theres another flash just like this with pearl from steven universe it's on swfchan if anyone wants to see it.

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  • DJ-WOLFBEAT5 said:
    Wow, This is has got to be the longest and entertaining animation I've ever seen. :D

    I sorta jammed down with this music too! XD

    Also, isn't this the same animation when princess Peach, Daisy, Samus Aran, etc., had sex like this too?

    Yes, but they were deleted for being "irrelevant to the site", nevermind the dozens of other minus8 animations on here...

    Luckily the source is still listed on deleted page -

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  • Those eyes look... kinda derp.
    Hm, while I know edits are kinda your thing, this one feels very random. And kinda shoehorned to be honest.
    Not terrible, but not one of your best work. Just very ~eh.

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  • Well grats to Minus for managing to put enough variation(while still in rhythm with the song) to keep me fucking entertained for so long. Damn.

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  • It's a weird place to talk about it, but I'd like to thank Minus8 for this flash. My baby brother is in hospital and I was an emotional wreck, as I have to support my mother in this tense situation.

    His flash animations are passionate, well done, sexy and upbeat, compared to the a lot more dull "regular porn". This one cheered me up and made me feel a lot better.

    Thanks -8, Ya glorious artist. Keep doing your best!

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  • i could swear ive heard the (i guess vocals?) to this song before in something else. you know the "ah"s and "oh"s like snip-its of vocals from something else

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  • This is pretty awesome... the only thing that disappointed me was the male cumshot because it seemed so anti-climactic compared to everything else. Other than that, this flash is really stylish and sexy! Perfect choice of music, too.

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  • Malikfoxen said:
    I like this animation, my only issue wiith it is the expressions in the beginning, her eyes go kinda weird for a bit, it gets much better closer to the end though.

    Also, just curious, what is she holding?

    Yeah, the way she's winking back and forth is... off-putting. Also, I've been wondering what she's holding too. A pendulum of some sort? Plumbline? Who knows...

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  • RamurosZero said:
    I don't know I have not seen them but probably.

    W0LFB3AT5 said:
    Wow, This is has got to be the longest and entertaining animation I've ever seen. :D

    I sorta jammed down with this music too! XD

    Also, isn't this the same animation when princess Peach, Daisy, Samus Aran, etc., had sex like this too?

    It's not the same animation it's actually for once something different. I kinda got sick of those flooding the animations tag though. Like they're good and they're actually animated unlike those scandelous magic lense games (I LOATHE those.)

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