Hands free
Commission for Fluffy31
oh the joys of using a part of your body as a toy, and the tail can be so handy at times to get into those hard to reach places.
this was a little tricky once again for the lay on your back and rump in the air sort of angle. i just can't seem to get it right somehow.
all well, practice makes perfect right?
im also trying to get used to drawing liquid.
- RedRaptor *
BlockedI need a tail because of........reasons I:
Blockedrealy good reasons ^^
BlockedDon't forget about the wings, or the ability to breathe fire, or...why must we be cursed with being human?
BlockedBu..but da tail D.:
user 232323
MemberAll the sexy dicks are on all the other creatures for us to be jealous of. Oh and envy to a great extent.
Also owning a tail would be badass for reasons as well.
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