judy hopps and nick wilde (zootopia and etc) created by eric schwartz
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Bad Berries, page 6 - by EWS

Still pretty adorable for a rhino-shredding force of destruction.

  • Comments
  • ShadowManGray said:
    I think Nick is going to say "My, what big eyes you have" like the smart ass he is.

    Most folks don't think of the clever lines until after the life threatening emergency has passed.

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  • Tainted1 said:
    Most folks don't think of the clever lines until after the life threatening emergency has passed.

    Nick isn't most folks, though- if he were, he wouldn't have made it as a con artist.

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  • EchoWolf said:
    im guessing you never saw the movie
    inshort its a drug/flower that turns animals "savage"

    It's like if someone mixed PCP, bath salts, and daddy issues.

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  • The sound she's making, I can imagine Hannibal making those, "HIITHITHITHIHITHITHITHITHITH...!" sounds... Heh

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