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  • Comments
  • Oh. Well then. This exists, and probably not enough of it exists.

    SpyroDragon said:
    Why you guys consistantly lust after other peoples dragons is beyond me.. Leave QuintenArmijo's dragon alone you nasty freaks.

    Dude. It's Cynder. If she's anyone's dragon she's Spyro's.

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  • SpyroDragon said:
    Why you guys consistantly lust after other peoples dragons is beyond me.. Leave QuintenArmijo's dragon alone you nasty freaks.

    Calm down its just a fictional character, it's not real sheesh

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  • SpyroDragon said:
    Who removed my other comments. Fkn cant handle the truth?

    Dude. It's time to calm down and step away from the porn. It's all fictional. The only one hat technically owns Cynder are those that made her and the Spyro brand. Without those, this wouldn't even be around.

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  • Ratte

    Former Staff

    Spyro and Cynder are game characters currently owned by Activision, not "spirit animals". Someone posting weird shit on a website is not ownership of a very well-established pair of characters, it's just a sign of insanity.

    Hint: Use your blacklist. If this continues I'll give records.

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  • SpyroDragon said:
    Quinten is the one who made so he is freaking spyro

    Oh my, it's like trip back to 1999!
    url under service to create forums for free, autoplaying background music, scrolling text, tiled background, custom font and font color, etc. :D
    Maybe I should make to get crazy followers as well!

    ..what I mean by this is do not take everything on the internet like it's the truth. Because everyone knows cynder from the spyro game series for playstation, that means that she's simply character from video game to them, nothing else. And anyone can write anything on the internet, including crazy people. And domain for your cause costs like 10€/year.

    SpyroDragon said:
    Who removed my other comments. Fkn cant handle the truth?

    When you comment gets -10 downvotes, it gets hidden by default. It's possible to raise the value on your user settings, but for majority it's still -10.

    SpyroDragon said:
    How do you remove comments i asked for wuintens feedback and he said he didnt care you guys are all lusters not lovers and wanted me to remove my comments cause of haters thinking im him... So how i will respect him and remove these comments .. But how

    You cannot remove comments here at all. You can however hide them by the button below comment, making them invisible when viewing the page normally, however you can't hide your messages which has been quoted inside other users message.

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  • SpyroDragon said:
    Yea exactly.. So stop lusting after quintens dragon.. I find it qlmost as desgusting as lusting after someones wife..

    I couldn't have facepalm'd harder after reading your cringeful comments.

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  • Ratte

    Former Staff

    I said what would happen and I meant it. Your friend is crazy, that's all there is to it. Now stop spamming about it before the neutral records turn negative.

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  • ...anyways, this is p hot animation. i really like how her pussy is realistically affected by the finger's pressure. 5/5

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  • SpyroDragon said:
    I couldent have facepalmed harder after knowing dumbass fanboys lust after someone elses dragon.

    So what are you doing here on a site that primarily hosts porn, where people are "lusting over everything" drawn by others... or for that matter every porn site?

    As far as I see it is that you're purely here seeking attention and nothing else.

    Plus Cynder is the property of Krome Studio, not this Qintin person you so admire...

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  • @SpyroDragon
    Really dude, 20 comments not just down voted, but MEGA down voted, you need to just stop!

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  • Are insane asylums filled with guys like him? I feel fear, pity, and that I should submit a suggestion to my local asylum that they shouldn't allow unrestricted internet access >_>

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  • At first it's all,"Hey, that's some good porn" and then it's just a flame war in the comments.

    For the actual video tho, great work.

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  • SpyroDragon said:
    Yea exactly.. So stop lusting after quintens dragon.. I find it qlmost as desgusting as lusting after someones wife..

    I literally can't even comprehend what this guy is thinking, he must be either completely mental or.... I can't even say he's trolling, because he made it kind of clear he didn't.

    I'd insult him in literally every way possible If I wasn't sure this guy got banned, but hopefully he doesn't do something like this again or it is a permaban, this guy is a straight up weirdo.

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  • Ratte said:
    That's enough.

    Thank you almighty furball of user complaint control, may your blinkers and snufflers stay clear to find this stuff. xp

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  • Dunnno said:
    Oh. Well then. This exists, and probably not enough of it exists.

    Dude. It's Cynder. If she's anyone's dragon she's Spyro's.

    Well now she belongs to Cavafly!

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  • SpyroDragon said:
    Why you guys consistantly lust after other peoples dragons is beyond me.. Leave QuintenArmijo's dragon alone you nasty freaks.

    Says "SpyroDragon", on a porn site.
    Drama aside, great animation.

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  • Considering how amzing this post is, it's even more incredible that the comments section ended up being just as entertaining.

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  • Holy good god damn! I thought SpyroDragon was the greatest troll on earth! I was all up in arms ready to congratulate him!

    And then I went to the website! And found out that this person actually exists! not only that, but he looks exactly how he should! (Keep wearing those aviators dude, you'll look cool eventually)

    Thank you SpyroDragon and QuintonArmijo for reminding me that literal cartoon character nerds not only exist, but are hiding right under our noses!

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  • Would somebody mind adding the bestiality tag? My apologies. I have the tag blacklisted and I'm not sure how to add tags.

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  • hello there welcome to the bottom of the page i hope you enjoyed your adventure, if your all the way down here props to you from reading everything, have a cookie

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  • Kieferson said:
    hello there welcome to the bottom of the page i hope you enjoyed your adventure, if your all the way down here props to you from reading everything, have a cookie

    Fuck you, I'm gonna eat some apple pie instead.

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  • Jesus Christ, what did I stumble into?

    I mean nice video, it's lovely, not my personal cup of tea but ayyy You do you friend, keep at it.

    But good lord the comments had me rollin'.

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  • Holy sh!t.
    Just when you start thinking that you've gone over the deep end, you look down and see a tiny spec far, far below you in the pool ranting about dragon ownership.
    Feels good to find out that ones personal deep end is actually pretty shallow. Thanks for the chuckles.

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  • Oh mah gawd. S/He really should make another version where is spyro but Im new here and I don't know how to do anything😕

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  • >Sees lol_comments tag
    "This will be worth a laugh or two."
    >Reads SpyroDragon's comments
    "What the sugar frosted fuck is going on here?"

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  • AndrewTheRed said:
    >Sees lol_comments tag
    "This will be worth a laugh or two."
    >Reads SpyroDragon's comments
    "What the sugar frosted fuck is going on here?"

    Namy said:
    I know right I started at the <3's of one post and now im here WTF

    (Revision)the avatar references of post #910080 THEN the <3's of post #907429 then to . . .whatever the hell spyrodragon's comments are. . . then here then figured out how to use thumbnails just past the comment editing time limit at 6 minutes (the limit is 5) DX

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  • Usually not a fan of 3d or human x feral, but this is fucking hot! Would love banging cynder.

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  • kamperkiller said:
    I call bullshit. If I get to go balls deep in a dragon... I sure as hell am not pulling out

    I used to think the same way as you, then I became the father to 16 baby dragons,

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  • Dunnno said:
    Oh. Well then. This exists, and probably not enough of it exists.

    Dude. It's Cynder. If she's anyone's dragon she's Spyro's.

    so i emailed this quinten dude about spyrodragon and he said

    "Unfortantly he informed me of what i think your talking about..

    No lol i beleive he mis-read what i said in a blog post.

    Yea that guy had us facepalming too."

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  • SpyroDragon said:
    Quinten is the guy who made
    According to it cynder is a spirit animal. And according to game logic yea.. But in realiy diffrent story

    Yeah, sure. Sometimes i feel like i make obnoxious
    Comments, but at least i am not an idiot.

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  • WinterRage said:
    Ass to mouth..

    That's the sign of a keeper, right there. Also someone that should brush their teeth a lot more often but especially the first one.

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  • using your real name on facebook... people really need to stop being so dumb as to throw out their personal info where anyone can see it.

    hey, SpyroDragon, i figured out that you are actually Quinten Armijo thanks to 1 google search of the name. you should probably just stick with the SpyroDragon username. after all, it's not smart to hand out personal info on the internet and a single name can lead to a lot of info with just one little google search.

    even our guilmon loving friend didn't give out an actual name. well, none that i remember anyway.

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  • SpyroDragon said:
    I'm just making myself look like an oblivious idiot who doesn't understand the concept of Porn and the fact the Rule 34 is a thing.

    I have successfully translated this ancient scripture

    [EDIT, how neat!] Coming back to this, for some reason, it's only now that I've noticed the obsessively and bizarrely Mormon aspects of the tirade. I have no idea what a dragon getting railed has to do with Mormonism, for I am not a Mormon, but I feel like even Joseph Smith would be rolling in his grave that this loser would even reference him and his work.


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  • have been reading every single comment, and i gotta say, i absolutely agree with everyone here.
    jealous people always try to ruin others fun, its his problem if he wasnts to put himself down like this, with jealousness.

    about the animation, in an Aurelion Sol style:
    "by all stars that i,ve creted, this "video" that you mortals call, is ... very extraordinary, if i say so myself, and i do. quiet a view even for a godlike creature like me. it awakes something ... tinkling inside me."

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  • I looked and saw that 20 comments were under the threshold. I though: how could that happen. Then I saw the replies of people talking to this fanatic, now I see.

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  • SpyroDragon said:
    Why you guys consistantly lust after other peoples dragons is beyond me.. Leave QuintenArmijo's dragon alone you nasty freaks.

    SpyroDragon said:
    Quinten is the guy who made
    According to it cynder is a spirit animal. And according to game logic yea.. But in realiy diffrent story

    SpyroDragon said:
    This quinten guy is fkn spyro

    this isn't your every day autism.

    this is ADVANCED autism!

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  • I'm incredibly picky about 3d art.

    This might be the only 3d thing I've found that I actually like. It's not without flaws - there's a lot of clipping with her eyelids, for one. But it's genuinely better than... Anything else 3d I've seen?

    I am impressed.

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  • Holy shit....I clicked the image by accident but saw how many comments were hidden and had to stop and read it....

    What the fuck did I just witness? God damn, that was weird devotion levels similar to the Sally Acorn love doll with a skeleton inside it.

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  • How the fuck this existed before a Spyro X Cynder sex video?Don't get me wrong, this is cool, but I wished there were more Spyro X Cynder.

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  • Blessed be friends. I have made my pilgrimage to the bottom of the comments, and partaken in the holy word of our lord and savior, SpyroDragon. I have basked in his divine autism, and found enlightenment. I eagerly await you to join me here in Valhalla.

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  • I feel like this was okay when I was 16-18 ish
    But it's kinda sad now..
    But here I am at 22 JO to fictional characters during a global pandemic..
    I wish someone loved me the way we all loved Cynder 😅.
    ..I'm lonely ):
    4 Months later I'm still lonely depressed and horny.
    And Rona
    GB my life haha 🤣🦊😳😢😢


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  • opspopspies said:
    I wish someone loved me the way we all loved Cynder 😅.
    ..I'm lonely ):

    Cheers to that, Mate! 🍻 This gator’s in the same boat with ya haha 😅 Just keep on keepin’ on though! Everything has its counterpart, so there’s gotta be at least one pawfect match for everyone out there, right? 😄

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  • anthony:d said:
    I literally can't even comprehend what this guy is thinking, he must be either completely mental or.... I can't even say he's trolling, because he made it kind of clear he didn't.

    I'd insult him in literally every way possible If I wasn't sure this guy got banned, but hopefully he doesn't do something like this again or it is a permaban, this guy is a straight up weirdo.

    Sadly he wasn't banned. When someone's banned on here you see a line through their name in the comments like their name was crossed off a list or something. But yea he really should be banned. Dudes got issues. It's one thing to not be into this kinda porn and I could understand even being disgusted by it, even though I think it's hot af, cause I guess it does count as bestiality but to go freaking out like that? Saying making this kinda stuff and fapping to it is as bad as lusting after someone's wife? That's messed up.

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  • J'ai une superbe bonne ouï vers la fin ou cynder suce on peut entendre le bruits que tu reçoit quands on t'envoie un message sur téléphone et j'ai l'impression d'être le seul à avoir entendu ça vers la fin 😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣

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  • percy_graywolf said:
    I think the comments were a bit more fun to read compared to the actual porn lol

    Dude, it's E6...
    The comments are like the best part lol.
    something about so much post-nut clarity (and gen-u-ine insanity) happening in one place at once allows shit like this to happen.

    It's great :D

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  • Still love this animation. Heck, I love all of Cavafly's Cynder animation, but this is one of my favorites. That being said, shame the music video is gone, and the comments are now less insane, but I guess that's for the better. Still wish there was an alt where he came in her.

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  • dead_knight said:
    I have successfully translated this ancient scripture

    [EDIT, how neat!] Coming back to this, for some reason, it's only now that I've noticed the obsessively and bizarrely Mormon aspects of the tirade. I have no idea what a dragon getting railed has to do with Mormonism, for I am not a Mormon, but I feel like even Joseph Smith would be rolling in his grave that this loser would even reference him and his work.

    This SpyroDragon fool is a prime example of why i hate most people and why humanity needs to end.

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  • -3
  • spyrodragon said:
    Quinten is the guy who made
    According to it cynder is a spirit animal. And according to game logic yea.. But in realiy diffrent story

    Cynder is a video game character, she originated from a Spyro game.

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  • Gotta say this was the first animation I found from Cavefly and I kept up with their work ever since!

    Funny enough... I found it on this very page years ago and I find myself coming back every few times each year to just read through the amazing shitshow as a pilgrimage of sorts, if you do the same I salute you.

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