created by wolfy-nail

Looks like artists all over the world continue responding on "Charlie Hebdo" tragedy. Well, count me in!

It took me a while to figure out what should I draw. In the end I chose to simply follow the rules and ideas of "Charlie Hebdo" magazine. I hope no one of "Charlie Hebdo"s supporters gonna find this picture offensive. Otherwise we'll be all downing in irony...

  • Comments
  • Niko_Berry said:
    En même temps, quand on est russe, la liberté d'expression n'est pas pareil que celle en France.

    Avec un tyran au pouvoir à Moscou je pense que votre humour est limité sur le gouvernement.

    Peut être un autre Octobre 1917 vous ferait le plus grand bien. Et qu'ainsi les russes comprendront le vrai sens de liberté :)

    Quand on veux se faire comprendre, on parle dans une langue dont on est sûr qu'elle est parlée par son interlocuteur.

    (If you want to be understood, make sure you speak a language the persons you speak to understands)

    You went full baguette there.

    Never go full baguette.

    As for the pic itself, it looks like it's saying guys from Charlie Hebdo are fat pigs who doesn't know how to use a pencil ... Meh.

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  • Salok said:
    Quand on veux se faire comprendre, on parle dans une langue dont on est sûr qu'elle est parlée par son interlocuteur.

    (If you want to be understood, make sure you speak a language the persons you speak to understands)

    You went full baguette there.

    Never go full baguette.

    As for the pic itself, it looks like it's saying guys from Charlie Hebdo are fat pigs who doesn't know how to use a pencil ... Meh.

    Actually, I don't think that's what it means

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  • DirtyRatMatt said:
    Hollande is the saddest president France has ever had

    God do I hope Le Penne wins the next election, otherwise there's no hope left for France

    P.S, I don't see you people kicking the asses of ISIS
    All you ever do is complain

    Actually, you're true, I'm french and hollande is the worst president we EVER had !

    By the way and honestly, the draw of wolfy is juste perfect and really in the idea of Charlir Hebdo!

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  • Niko_Berry said:
    Oh Hello i'm Google Traduction

    Euuuuh, hello, je suis un frenchy... Mais sans déconner, pourquoi faut-il toujours que les français pètent un câble dès qu'ils se sentent concernés ...

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  • f0xyf0x said:
    WTF, I thought it was a porn site here, not the politic's world ._.

    Welcome to porn comments, where you can learn how to make pizza, french politics and many other things !

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  • Yeah, let's vote Donald Trump, Marine Le Pen, Norbert Hofer, and Frauke Petry.

    There are too many humans on the planet, we need World War 3 to fix the overpopulation!

    sarcasm may included

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  • f0xyf0x said:
    WTF, I thought it was a porn site here, not the politic's world ._.

    Leave it to frog eaters to complain, but never to ACTUALLY stand up for their norms and values

    And they are surprised why Charlie Hebdo and Bataclan happend...

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  • D4rk said:
    Yeah, let's vote Donald Trump, Marine Le Pen, Norbert Hofer, and Frauke Petry.

    There are too many humans on the planet, we need World War 3 to fix the overpopulation!

    sarcasm may included

    Unfortunately, can only vote for one of those, but Trump got my vote. Why shouldn't France be French, Germany be German, Tibet be Tibetan, or Japan be Japanese? European countries have suffered massively from the migrant crisis.

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  • Oer said:
    Unfortunately, can only vote for one of those, but Trump got my vote. Why shouldn't France be French, Germany be German, Tibet be Tibetan, or Japan be Japanese? European countries have suffered massively from the migrant crisis.

    Nothing against it, but the EU brings several benefits for all nations inside it(Econmy, Education, etc.). Take Greece as example: Even if they're VERY broke, the others help them (of course with restrictions)

    And taking all the refugees means to take a social part in war against ISIS. Every person that comes here isn't recruited or abused as human shield. Also less slaves for them.

    The only politican that currently does very stupid things is Erdogan (Turkey), pissing off the only countries that protect him against ISIS seems kinda stupid :/ (2 PAC-3 echelons from Germany are down there)

    And the things Trups promises would simply ruin the USA. Removing the military power for the allies means that there isn't much left that makes america interesting for the rest of the world. Forcing american companies to produce inside the USA also raises the prices for the products. He seems very short sighted, (I also see similarities to Germany 1933 and the USA today when I compare the situation of both)

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  • D4rk said:
    Nothing against it, but the EU brings several benefits for all nations inside it(Econmy, Education, etc.). Take Greece as example: Even if they're VERY broke, the others help them (of course with restrictions)

    And taking all the refugees means to take a social part in war against ISIS. Every person that comes here isn't recruited or abused as human shield. Also less slaves for them.

    The only politican that currently does very stupid things is Erdogan (Turkey), pissing off the only countries that protect him against ISIS seems kinda stupid :/ (2 PAC-3 echelons from Germany are down there)

    And the things Trups promises would simply ruin the USA. Removing the military power for the allies means that there isn't much left that makes america interesting for the rest of the world. Forcing american companies to produce inside the USA also raises the prices for the products. He seems very short sighted, (I also see similarities to Germany 1933 and the USA today when I compare the situation of both)

    Politics on E621. What a novel idea.

    Regardless, taking refugees is a horrendous idea, because you're essentially continuing to destabilize the regions that they are fleeing, not to mention, opening possible avenues for attack, and flooding your lower class with migrants that do not even speak the language. A poor idea.

    Turkey has a considerably powerful military, capable of dealing with Isis. They are simply neutral for unknown, and likely stupid, reasons.

    It would not be forcing anything, it is actually just creating an environment where production can flourish cheaply, which would make America substantially more desirable on the world market. At the time being, American companies export labor to other nations due to Unions and a number of other foolish entities making it extraordinarily expensive to hire *low* skill employees. America has an abundance of high-skilled employees however, so companies do not entirely leave. With making a competitive market for lower skilled workers, America would be inviting back their corporations that fled to China, Taiwan, or the like for cheap labor. Not only undermining the Chinese economy, but also improving the U.S. economy.

    By the way, comparing America 2016 to Germany 1933, is utterly foolish. It isn't even *remotely* the same circumstances, or the same ideals in circulation.

    Also, on the subject of Wolfy-Nail, stick to porn. You're making a very strange argument with this drawing that does not even work. If you are unaware, there are places in this world that allow the Freedom of Expression, and that allowed a comic-artist to draw Mohammed (A dictator who started a religion) as a pig. Criticize them for that all you like, but you're attempting to call people hypocrites, when you draw them as pigs. However what you fail to realize, is that no one is lining up to *kill* you for it, unlike what happened with Charlie Hebdo. Your political statement not only falls flat, but it doesn't even make sense.

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  • AlgolTheTerrible said:
    Politics on E621. What a novel idea.

    By the way, comparing America 2016 to Germany 1933, is utterly foolish. It isn't even *remotely* the same circumstances, or the same ideals in circulation.

    Let's compare:

    Germany: Infrastructure was in bad condition
    USA : Outside bigger cities the infrastructure is about to fall apart (I saw it during "holidays" there)

    Germany: Growing dislike of people for the goverment
    USA : Radicalistic groups fighting feds

    Germany: Blame outstanding groups for the misery
    USA : Who does Trump blames?

    Germany: Depression caused by a lost war
    USA : Not a single won war since 1945

    Trumps slogan "Make America great again" was also an idea of a famous austrian politician in 1933 for Germany.

    And the thing with the economy depends on the TTIP treaty, because the USA needs the extra $ from the exports to the EU.

    I mean, tell me one thing that US companies built that the EU or China can't produce by itself?

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  • D4rk said:
    Let's compare:

    Germany: Infrastructure was in bad condition
    USA : Outside bigger cities the infrastructure is about to fall apart (I saw it during "holidays" there)

    Germany: Growing dislike of people for the goverment
    USA : Radicalistic groups fighting feds

    Germany: Blame outstanding groups for the misery
    USA : Who does Trump blames?

    Germany: Depression caused by a lost war
    USA : Not a single won war since 1945

    Trumps slogan "Make America great again" was also an idea of a famous austrian politician in 1933 for Germany.

    And the thing with the economy depends on the TTIP treaty, because the USA needs the extra $ from the exports to the EU.

    I mean, tell me one thing that US companies built that the EU or China can't produce by itself?

    Germany's infrastructure was completely *gone* due to being annihilated by a world war. America hardly qualifies as similar. Not to mention I live in one of the more desolate places in America, and it is actually thriving. I have also traveled to just about every state in the union, and only a few states are actually collapsing, and mostly only due to their own foolish policies.

    Actually they had the Jews as a scapegoat, it was mostly against the banks that the people went against, which Hitler used as leverage. I have seen very few people that are just outright against government or the like, and those particular people are not taken seriously. I don't know where you got that information from, but it is quite false.

    Trump blames the current president, and congress? Like anyone else? Obviously China has been under-cutting our economy, and we have an enormous illegal immigration problem, I live in a border state and I am a witness to it. Here you can get a few grams of cocaine for about $45, just about anywhere, due to it being brought over the border.

    Germany was not depressed caused by losing a war, they were completely annihilated, living in a war torn region. They had a power vacuum that Hitler was able to fill. Not to mention, Hitler succeeded in a number of his goals, and managed to bring Germany from the brink of destruction to the status of a world superpower in a few short years. Hitler was an excellent leader, albeit what he *did* with that power he created is a completely different matter. Also, we have won several wars since 1945, however most of the wars since WWII have been ran politically, rather than militarily, which is a failure of the modern doctrine.

    Are you actually comparing Trump to Hitler? Are you insane, or inept? I don't even like Trump, for one, but he certainly is not Hitler, that kind of childish argument does a disservice to both you, and the people who actually are against Trump.

    So what you're saying is... for trade to flourish... you need to have open trade? What a brilliant concept.

    We have an already-established and enormous industrial capacity, Germany WWII vs US WWII economies should demonstrate that. We also have access to enormous quantities of natural resources on our continent, that EU does not have. Unfortunately, our current government has cut our own limbs off with that, a failure to utilize much of the resources here due to nonsensical foolishness such as environmental concerns or Indian land.

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  • AlgolTheTerrible said:

    Are you actually comparing Trump to Hitler? Are you insane, or inept? I don't even like Trump, for one, but he certainly is not Hitler, that kind of childish argument does a disservice to both you, and the people who actually are against Trump.

    He has aspects of Hitler, but he's not as smart as Hitler was. (And it was not much smartness he had). Also he has no clear target besides just being president. Let's be honest, all Trump is able of is speaking of how HE thinks america can get up again -the way he acts, speaks and his promises are hot air. Obama actually sucked because the republicans blocked many things (like health insurence or weapon law restrictions)

    And if he reduce the military presence for the allies, how much longer will America be able to stay out of international contracts? Like not accepting the International Criminal Court, or the law of war in general?

    We also have access to enormous quantities of natural resources on our continent, that EU does not have. Unfortunately, our current government has cut our own limbs off with that, a failure to utilize much of the resources here due to nonsensical foolishness such as environmental concerns or Indian land.

    Enviromental concerns are important, destroying your habitat is suicidal.

    We in europe are leading in developing alternative energy sources and are already implementing them. The rest of the world works for clean cars, etc.

    Let's take a look at TTIP: America can export products into the EU and the EU can import the cars cheaper into the USA. There would be way more goods flowing from the US side to EU then from EU to US.

    The EU would have to lower the standards for foods and maybe has to cancel the current charge against Monsanto.

    Which side benefits more from this then the US economy? And to come bak to Trump: Wasn't this psycho saying hell push american interests through? THe other guy, Ted Cruz seemed like a way better choice at all

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  • D4rk said:
    He has aspects of Hitler, but he's not as smart as Hitler was. (And it was not much smartness he had). Also he has no clear target besides just being president. Let's be honest, all Trump is able of is speaking of how HE thinks america can get up again -the way he acts, speaks and his promises are hot air. Obama actually sucked because the republicans blocked many things (like health insurence or weapon law restrictions)

    And if he reduce the military presence for the allies, how much longer will America be able to stay out of international contracts? Like not accepting the International Criminal Court, or the law of war in general?

    Trump shares 0 similarities with Hitler, even their speech patterns/reasoning are completely different. I have no idea what you're talking about, but you either need to look into Trump more, or read more about Hitler.

    Health insurance was passed, and has done nothing but extend waiting lists, lie to people regarding private insurance, and cost more money. Weapon law restrictions would have been actually pointless, and it would have actually harmed more than helped, considering how easy it is to smuggle in weaponry. Fully automatic weapons are restricted under law, but that doesn't stop criminals from acquiring them, does it?

    There should never be laws to war, war is simply war, the more nice you attempt to make it, the more prolonged and foolish it will be. Personally, as an Imperialist, I believe in only fighting a war if it benefits us.

    D4rk said:
    Enviromental concerns are important, destroying your habitat is suicidal.

    We in europe are leading in developing alternative energy sources and are already implementing them. The rest of the world works for clean cars, etc.

    Let's take a look at TTIP: America can export products into the EU and the EU can import the cars cheaper into the USA. There would be way more goods flowing from the US side to EU then from EU to US.

    The EU would have to lower the standards for foods and maybe has to cancel the current charge against Monsanto.

    Which side benefits more from this then the US economy? And to come bak to Trump: Wasn't this psycho saying hell push american interests through? THe other guy, Ted Cruz seemed like a way better choice at all [/quote] The environment is not a concern, we could not destroy the environment if we tried, it is physically impossible. We would only kill ourselves in the process, and thus reverse our own doing. Infact, most of the science behind environment studies isn't even accurate, such as global warming theory, if you do your research into it, you'll discover that much of the methods for which their entire theory is based upon, are sub-par, and not even accurate. Hell, we couldn't even accurately measure the ocean's temperature until *after* 2003, and literally *every* model that scientists produced for predicting the temperature have proven false, some models even being the complete *opposite* of what happened in reality. Congratulations for buying into scams and pointless increases in consumer prices for useless add-ons. If you want clean and efficient, then go Nuclear, otherwise, you're quite frankly pissing in the wind. And? Obviously free trade is good for trading, is that a surprise? Regardless of who you think is better, Trump is the likely winner, and the superior choice of the nominees. People vote for him because he speaks in plain language that common people understand, and he also isn't a career politician. The suggestion that Trump is Hitler, or vying for dictatorship, is utterly childish. Criticize the man for policies, do not compare him to past dictators. As someone who would gladly resurrect Gaius Julius Caesar to power, Trummp is no dictator.

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  • AlgolTheTerrible said:
    There should never be laws to war, war is simply war, the more nice you attempt to make it, the more prolonged and foolish it will be. Personally, as an Imperialist, I believe in only fighting a war if it benefits us.

    And on this point there is a difference between european thinking and US minds. All the things the US goverments are taking for invading a country applies to themselves. Alone the current useage of drones is a huge break against the laws of war. America is only in the position to stand above everyone else because their military protection. If Trump lower it too strong, the allies would leave america alone.

    Congratulations for buying into scams and pointless increases in consumer prices for useless add-ons. If you want clean and efficient, then go Nuclear, otherwise, you're quite frankly pissing in the wind.

    Nuclear waste is a huge problem, the process of mining and turning uranium 238 into uranium 235 is very energy-consuming and there are not very safe (Fukushima, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl as examples) . Its far away from being "clean". That's why researching fusion reactors got popular. [quote] And? Obviously free trade is good for trading, is that a surprise? [/quote] The thing with the free trade has one huge downsite: European security standards for foods and other goods get useless. Not to mention that a huge part of europeans are against TTIP. [quote] Regardless of who you think is better, Trump is the likely winner, and the superior choice of the nominees. People vote for him because he speaks in plain language that common people understand, and he also isn't a career politician. The suggestion that Trump is Hitler, or vying for dictatorship, is utterly childish. Criticize the man for policies, do not compare him to past dictators. As someone who would gladly resurrect Gaius Julius Caesar to power, Trummp is no dictator. [/quote] Trump just start angry speeches, say what all the rednecks wanna hear and is just on power because he hasn't a familiyname that's known for politics in D.C. I like to quote my teacher from highschool back that days: "The american election system is an IQ test. And it doesn't look very good." The question is: When they need a guy like Trump to understand politics, wheres the problem? Politicians that speak unclearly or people who don't understand political themes? Not to mention that Trump maybe just says what they want to hear instead of actually doing most of it.

    Oh, and the whole "Speech of the folk" ,and using the currently bad mood of the population is what Hitler and he as in common. (I didn't compared them btw, I compared their methods to reach their political goal)

    Fun fact

    Gaius Julius Caesar was declared as "dictator perpetuus" (Dictator for lifetime)after his return from spain 44 B.C.
    Under his power rome turned from a republic into a dictatorship before he got killed by a bunch of senators.

    I kinda like the irony behind Trumps statement

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  • D4rk said:
    And on this point there is a difference between european thinking and US minds. All the things the US goverments are taking for invading a country applies to themselves. Alone the current useage of drones is a huge break against the laws of war. America is only in the position to stand above everyone else because their military protection. If Trump lower it too strong, the allies would leave america alone.

    Perhaps the US Government isn't as stupid as I'm led to believe then, if they are fighting wars without laws and taking things to pay for those wars. However, I'm fairly positive they aren't doing just that, which leads me to remain disappointed.

    "It was a principle of his that no campaign or battle should ever be fought unless more could clearly be gained by victory than lost by defeat; and he would compare those who took great risks in the hope of gaining some small advantage to a man who fishes with a golden hook, though aware that nothing he can catch will be valuable enough to justify its loss." Gaius Suetonius on Augustus Caesar in "The Twelve Caesars"

    D4rk said:
    Nuclear waste is a huge problem, the process of mining and turning uranium 238 into uranium 235 is very energy-consuming and there are not very safe (Fukushima, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl as examples) . Its far away from being "clean". That's why researching fusion reactors got popular.[/quote] Nuclear waste is not a huge problem. We have countless methods of getting rid of said waste, including nuclear energy. Chernobyl was a sub-par facility maintained by fools who not only pushed the reactor beyond what it needed and ignored *all* safety procedures, but also practically turned the containment into a pressure cooker. Fukushima, literally nothing happened. 30 Grams of Iodine 131 was released into the air... and immediately absorbed by the ocean. Three Mile Island caused 0 deaths, and even no contamination. So... yeah, most of the deaths in Chernobyl were caused by the explosion, I might add. 47 people died. In all of these accidents. 47. 41 of them from Chernobyl. 6 from Fukushima (None from Fukushima died from ARS) By the by, there is a difference between someone *actually* dying from ARS, and someone dying of cancer chances possibly increased. There is no way to accurately link cancer deaths to radiation exposure. Want to know how many people died from metal working accidents in the last 50 years? Should we forgo all metal? Please think before you speak. Nuclear energy is demonstrably fine, and is the safest/cleanest/most efficient form of energy we have available. Solar and Wind are simply methods to piss away money. [quote]"D4rk":/user/show/55905 said: The thing with the free trade has one huge downsite: European security standards for foods and other goods get useless. Not to mention that a huge part of europeans are against TTIP.[/quote] And? That isn't a fault of the Americans, nor is it a fault of free trade. It is the fault of ignorance among Europeans. [quote]"D4rk":/user/show/55905 said: Trump just start angry speeches, say what all the rednecks wanna hear and is just on power because he hasn't a familiyname that's known for politics in D.C.[/quote] That doesn't make any sense. Angry speeches? What? Since when? [quote]"D4rk":/user/show/55905 said: I like to quote my teacher from highschool back that days: "The american election system is an IQ test. And it doesn't look very good."[/quote] Yes, because we elected Obama. I'd be shocked to find it is different in the EU. [quote]"D4rk":/user/show/55905 said: The question is: When they need a guy like Trump to understand politics, wheres the problem? Politicians that speak unclearly or people who don't understand political themes? Not to mention that Trump maybe just says what they want to hear instead of actually doing most of it.

    Welcome to Politics for all of history. It is a dirty business.

    D4rk said:Oh, and the whole "Speech of the folk" ,and using the currently bad mood of the population is what Hitler and he as in common. (I didn't compared them btw, I compared their methods to reach their political goal)


    That is what every politician *EVER* has done. You play upon the fears of those you intend to have vote for you... That is literally how all politics work when in regards to democracy. Even Obama did that. Bush did that. EVERYONE DID THAT. ARE THEY ALL HITLER?

    D4rk said:
    Gaius Julius Caesar was declared as "dictator perpetuus" (Dictator for lifetime)after his return from spain 44 B.C.
    Under his power rome turned from a republic into a dictatorship before he got killed by a bunch of senators.

    I kinda like the irony behind Trumps statement

    Gaius Julius Caesar was a masterful military commander, who saved a failing republic, and set in motion the life of Rome for over a thousand years. I don't see your point.

    Empires are always more successful than not. From China, to Rome, to Britain.

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  • AlgolTheTerrible said:
    Empires are always more successful than not. From China, to Rome, to Britain.

    And waht did all have in common? They fell and got replaced by another. (Will be happen with the USA someday, too)

    And according to my favourite Mark Twain quote I should stop
    discuss politics here.

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  • D4rk said:
    And waht did all have in common? They fell and got replaced by another. (Will be happen with the USA someday, too)

    And according to my favourite Mark Twain quote I should stop
    discuss politics here.

    So you intend to ignore all of the great benefits and successes of the longest lasting and most successful civilization in ***HISTORY*** because it fell?

    You really think that another nation will be as successful as Rome? Not unless we learn from them. There is a distinct lack of historical education these days. Most Americans seem to be occupied with learning about their own history/Natives and Europeans seem to be occupied with learning about WWI and Napoleon.

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  • AlgolTheTerrible said:

    You really think that another nation will be as successful as Rome? Not unless we learn from them. There is a distinct lack of historical education these days. Most Americans seem to be occupied with learning about their own history/Natives and Europeans seem to be occupied with learning about WWI and Napoleon.

    Can't speak for all of europe, but we germans learn a lot about history. Since many civilizations left a footprint on our country. (Ancient Egypt,Rome, the medival age,the thirty year war (1618 -1648), the French Revolution,Napoleon, both World wars,Cold war and the german divide are teached in our schools, and that only for history lessons.)

    And I just mentioned an universal historical law. Didn't say rome wasn't great, but it got ruined over time by politics.

    And yes, other "nations" were more successful as Rome, otherwise it would have excistest longer.

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  • D4rk said:
    And yes, other "nations" were more successful as Rome, otherwise it would have excistest longer.

    Clearly you don't know much about Rome, from that statement.

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  • Fenrick said:
    Not really. No different than using manned aircraft to conduct air strikes, really.

    Youre right. The problem is how civilians are treated - men in or over a certain age inside the operating zone are classified as rebell/soldier. Doesn't matter if they fight or not. And this way of keeping civilian casualies low is what should bring several US officers to Den Haag infront of the international military tribunal. (Which btw isn't accepted by the US goverment, like many other international contracts about rules of engagements)

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  • Fenrick said:
    Well, the US may not be a signatory of these conventions, but they still abide by many of their principles. It's understandable from a pragmatist's perspective, considering the state of certain international relations

    They pick what they want to follow to: Soldiers that kill civilians don't get infront of a court, but people who whistle blow are hunted. And then there are also the (sometimes experimental) drugs soldiers have to take.(Violating the Nuremberg Code) The only reason they get away with this is the military protection they provide.

    I wouldn't be so sure, he knows exactly what people want to hear. It's gotten him pretty far.

    That's the problem, he says what people want to hear instead of what they need to hear. Somewhere I red that a positive point is that he's not a "full time" politician - but as President he has to be.

    All his promises are at best half-baked, and full of contradictions. A populist demagogue isn't the best choice to rule a nation.(We germans learned that 70 years ago)

    Some of his promises will bring only drawbacks, others he simply can´t keep. And pissing of americas allies by doing crazy stuff doesn't help either. He says "make America great again", but somebody who loves his/her country shouldn't think about how great the nation should be. What's best for the nation (or to be precise: the people in it) should be what he should focuses on.

    I'd like to quote Tommy Lee Jones in MIB: "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals [...]"

    It's a natural fact that a group of more then 3 people unconsciously vote a leader of the group. Doesn't have to be the smartest.(Reverse swarm intelligence)

    Or simple: One person knows what's good, but the whole population of a nation tend to demand the stupiest things.

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  • Fenrick said:
    I'm honestly not sure what you mean. People are held accountable for civilian killings all the time.

    But Whistleblower still get harder punishments then the ones who kill civilians. Most of the times it's only the pressure from the public that leads to a lawsuit.

    Daniel Ellsberg, Snowden and Manning are good examples for the political procedure - keeping such things hiddden from publicity, gloss them over and never mention them.

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  • Can someone down vote this comment so I don't feel left out? Also, Blah blah blah, Russia, blah blah blah, French government, Polynesian midgets

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  • d4rk said:
    He has aspects of Hitler, but he's not as smart as Hitler was. (And it was not much smartness he had).

    "The Children's Guide to Politics: Everyone I disagree with is Hitler"

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  • komradekommodore said:
    "The Children's Guide to Politics: Everyone I disagree with is Hitler"

    The man is a nationalist, right-wing, anti-democracy, and is a general slob. So yes, he was and still is a fascist.

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  • This comment section is a time capsule of the brain-rot of that era. I'm glad that it's long-gone.

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