elberik and shayla the pink mouse created by shane nelson
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Shayla stared down at her engorged form, at least what she could see of it. Her belly appeared pregnant with triplets and even her normally-flat chest had begun to fill out. Despite her apprehension there was not pain, only a sense of being very full- which made perfect sense given her circumstances. Even though the aphrodisiac was still coursing through her, Shayla had long since given up trying to get off. Her bindings didn’t allow for much movement even before the weight of her belly pinned her down and the dildos were just sitting inside her. Now she sat in the chair, staring at what remained in the tank before her. The flow had stopped, the pressure sensor apparently having done its job, but some liquid remained. Just as she was beginning to get bored, the rabbit girl returned. She walked around Shayla and gave her belly a rub, eliciting a moan from the bloated mouse. As she came around to the tank, the rabbit frowned,

“Oh dear,” she exclaimed, “there’s still come punch left. I’ll just take care of that for you.” Shayla shook her head and but the rabbit ignored her and flipped the pump on again. Shayla groaned and writhed (as much as she could, that is) as the remaining liquid was pumped into her body. Thankfully the hose leading to her mouth had been disengaged but that just meant more to her ass and pussy. She stared in disbelief at her inflating stomach as the tank finally emptied with a dry sucking sound. The rabbit turned off the pump and approached Shayla.

“Time to get you set up for the party,” she said, disconnecting the hose from Shayla’s mouth gag. Once the hose was out Shayla tried to speak again but the phallic gag kept her pleas unintelligible. The rabbit just smiled and screwed a cap into the ring, again sealing Shayla’s mouth. She then bent down and disconnected the hoses from Shayl’s more intimate areas. Shayla half expected there to be some spillage but nothing happened.

“One-way valves,” commented the rabbit “but THIS,” she held up something, “is my favorite piece.” One side had two angled protrusions, Shayla could guess where they were going. The middle was a molded piece of plastic and protruding from the other side...a tap. Similar to the ones Shayla had watched bartenders use when filling drinks. Shayla looked up at the rabbit but she was already kneeling between Shayla’s splayed thighs, focused on attaching the apparatus. As she stepped back she raised her voice and shouted for some help. Shayla heard then saw two guys, one pushing a wheeled cart, enter the room. They stared at her, gawking, before the rabbit snapped her fingers and pointed to the empty table. They detached Shayla from the chair and lifted her bodily onto the table. The movement caused the dildos to shift around and Shayla could not help but moan and she was maneuvered into a kneeling position. One of the guys started groping but stopped when the rabbit snapped her fingers again.

“We’re behind schedule already,” she explained, “there will be plenty of time for that later.” Once they had secured her to the table the rabbit motioned for them to follow her. The two guys followed, pushing Shayla ahead of them.

Eventually the group entered a large room. Shayla was carted to a corner amongst several other tables laden with refreshments. She didn’t have time to survey the room as a blindfold was dropped over her eyes.

“I’ve found that a lack of sight makes everything a bit more fun,” said the rabbit, “now for a taste test.” A moment later Shayla jumped a moaned into the gag as something inside the device strapped to her groin hummed to life. The dildos inside her vibrated, sending ripples throughout her body. She felt an orgasm building up but just as quick as they’d started the vibrations stopped, leaving her panting and wanting more. “Oh lovely,” she heard the rabbit exclaim, “Seems like you’ve added a little something to this yourself. I better get a full cup.” Again the vibrations started up, Shayla doing her best to work herself up before they inevitably ceased. “Oh don’t feel so bad,” said the rabbit. She unscrewed the mouth plug and poured the contents of the cup back into Shayla, “plenty of people are gonna want drinks tonight and our special mixture will ensure that everyone will get some action tonight.” Shayla felt a hand rub her stomach again, but nothing followed.

She must have fallen asleep because the next thing Shayla felt was the vibrations running up her body. They stopped for a moment then sprang to life again as someone else turned the tap. There was a longer pause before the next partygoer arrived. Shayla had a good idea of how the party would go from here.

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