At this time in her life, Krystal all but ignores clothing.
Her days are spent primarily in her private quarters, if not on the bridge of the Great Fox. From negotiating and organising missions for her pilots, to managing and acquiring supplies, both perishable and hardware, Krystal's priorities consist mainly of ensuring her business is running at its peak. To her, dressing is an unnecessary chore, trivial in the face of more important matters. With her mind focused elsewhere, Krystal gives little care to how others see her. She has learned over the years that what she wears makes very little difference most of the time. Fashion won't save her life in a crash, and constantly being concerned about covering up only serves to distract, dividing her attention from the task at hand. In Krystal's line of work, this can potentially cost lives.
On another level, however, Krystal's choice in attire serves a secondary, more subtle purpose. With Fox McCloud gone and the Star Fox team disbanded, the Great Fox belongs to her, a fact Krystal makes sure to affirm whenever she deems necessary. Even if only on a subconscious level, Krystal's nudity is a statement, a declaration of her authority; this is her ship, she is in charge, and no one is above her. On the Great Fox, Krystal's word is law, and her will is absolute. If you find yourself lucky enough to be in her employment, don't think that your skills as a fighter pilot will ensure your job security. Krystal affords no disobedience from her pilots and would sooner cut loose a rogue element than attempt to reign them in.
The above depiction of Krystal comes from my own literary series, Krystal Mercs, which can be found here.
MemberLove every thing with Krystal in it.
Memberand meth
MemberWoah, wait, did this just get reposted?
Well, no better excuse to check it out again. <3
MemberWhat about users with the same age as krystal? Like me
krystal age 12(23)Natasha age 12(23)
I mean really think about it!
XD it kills i don't use it
i have a picture!!!!!!!!
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