patrick created by kadath

Pat enjoying a morning cuppa joe. Probably relishing a rare quiet moment where Nightshade's not jumping his bones :P

  • Comments
  • I prefer Patrick over Puzzle for some reason. Puzzle is ditzy and cute but there's something about Pat I can't quite put my finger on.

    That being said. G'Morning, Patrick.

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  • Starman said:
    I recall someone saying Patrick X Puzzle is over. Can anyone fill me in on that?

    It was retconned as Diamond's sexual fantasies. Patrick's with Nightshade now.

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  • bLa613 said:
    It was retconned as Diamond's sexual fantasies. Patrick's with Nightshade now.

    Wow that's actually pretty fucking funny/awesome. Would make sense seeing as she's in most of their pics. Was there a reason why Kadath did it?

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  • I seem to recall reading somewhere that Patrick & Puzzle were born in London but their parents divorced when they were young. Patrick went to America with his Dad & Puzzle went to India with her Mom. It wasn't until recently that Pat & Puz reunited in London. I can't help but wonder if Patrick got picked on or made fun of in PE class for being uncut when he was growing up since being circumcised is the norm in America & being uncut is sometimes considered weird. Teenage boys can be pretty mean to each other sometimes too.


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