x1gameguy2007 Commission
Commission for x1gameguy2007
I don't know what it is about dragons, but Ru seems to have a thing for 'em. Seems like he's got another one here, but he's not -quite- broken in yet. I guess he decided showing the new guy how Iksu acts as an example of proper bet behaviour would be a good idea. Iksu certainly doesn't mind, infact he seems quite excited about whatever's about to happen. x3 He's always so eager.
Not much to complain about here... I think I did okay on this one anyway, though I'm sure someone will point something out that's crap. They always do ;P That's okay though, it's how we learn. x3
Lemme know your thoughts, guys!
Sock bandana
MemberPinkie wants, blackie 'aint so sure :D
Sock bandana
MemberPinkie wants, blackie 'aint so sure :D
Memberiksu is devoted to ru that black dragon is in training
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