mihari created by tom fischbach
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  • Comments
  • Antallo said:
    As if yet I still don't know who Mihari is or how they get so much art.

    Mihari is the mascot of Katbox and seems to be the fursona of its keeper, though don't quote me on the latter part.

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  • Iago1 said:
    Mihari is the mascot of Katbox and seems to be the fursona of its keeper, though don't quote me on the latter part.

    What's Katbox?

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  • Antallo said:
    As if yet I still don't know who Mihari is or how they get so much art.

    She's just an online avatar for myself whom is also the current Mascot for the Katbox, this is due in large part to the massive amount of work I do for the site, and general upkeep of it's hardware.

    As for all the art I get, some of it's paid commissions, compensation or trade for work done, or just gifts from artists friends.

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  • delta_wolfkin said:
    It took me so long to find this image because it aint got the twokinds tag

    There are no twokinds characters in the image as far as I can tell, so it doesn't get the tag. You should have looked at the artist tag.

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