shining armor and spike (friendship is magic and etc) created by braeburned
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Next two pages of Comic Relief – Part 2!
NOMPH, Pop!, Sprt splt. Music to the ears.

I’ll be posting this comic for free, 2 pages a day, every day! But if you wanna read the whole thing right now, you can download the entire comic (both parts!) plus a bunch of exclusive full page spreads and other goodies, for just throwing me $5 (or more if ya want!) Check out the link below!

  • Comments
  • memeboy said:
    The horse on the bottom is a boy right? So where did the penis enter his body? So weird to think about...

    Maybe he just wanted the guy to have a vagina so much that one appeared like with what happened with Chris Weston Chandler

    Have you heard of this unique new concept called a Butthole

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  • memeboy said:
    The horse on the bottom is a boy right? So where did the penis enter his body? So weird to think about...

    Maybe he just wanted the guy to have a vagina so much that one appeared like with what happened with Chris Weston Chandler

    This is a joke right? ...right?

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  • memeboy said:
    The horse on the bottom is a boy right? So where did the penis enter his body? So weird to think about...

    Maybe he just wanted the guy to have a vagina so much that one appeared like with what happened with Chris Weston Chandler

    Wow, What a dumbass

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  • memeboy said:
    The horse on the bottom is a boy right? So where did the penis enter his body? So weird to think about...

    Maybe he just wanted the guy to have a vagina so much that one appeared like with what happened with Chris Weston Chandler

    Remember all those years ago when Quagmire from Family Guy said there's a fourth hole behind the knee? It's not that hole....

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  • memeboy said:
    The horse on the bottom is a boy right? So where did the penis enter his body? So weird to think about...

    Maybe he just wanted the guy to have a vagina so much that one appeared like with what happened with Chris Weston Chandler

    Unless you are only a day or two old, you have probably taken a shit before. Well, the hole that said shit came out of is not exclusive to shit, nor is it one way. You can insert other things into that hole if you try.

    That's where spikes cock is.

    Up da butt.

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  • Nymda said:
    Unless you are only a day or two old, you have probably taken a shit before. Well, the hole that said shit came out of is not exclusive to shit, nor is it one way. You can insert other things into that hole if you try.

    That's where spikes cock is.

    Up da butt.

    W-why did I read this in Nick's voice? Oh...wait...

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  • memeboy said:
    The horse on the bottom is a boy right? So where did the penis enter his body? So weird to think about...

    Maybe he just wanted the guy to have a vagina so much that one appeared like with what happened with Chris Weston Chandler

    If you dont understand the concept of sex you should not be on this site, you should be playing with legos....

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  • Abrams_wolf said:
    If you dont understand the concept of sex you should not be on this site, you should be playing with legos....

    Hay! Don't be dissing legos. Legos are and always will be the shit.

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  • memeboy said:
    The horse on the bottom is a boy right? So where did the penis enter his body? So weird to think about...

    Maybe he just wanted the guy to have a vagina so much that one appeared like with what happened with Chris Weston Chandler

    *facedesk* Theres a tag on this site called...anal_penetration. I highly recommend you look it up. Along with the following tags;
    Or you could always look it up on the urban dictionary.

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  • Abrams_wolf said:
    If you dont understand the concept of sex you should not be on this site, you should be playing with legos....

    WHOA WHOW WHOA, I'm Old enought to use this site and I still play with legos. 8-99 yo!

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  • memeboy said:
    The most retarded thing I've ever seen on this site.

    this guy is either WAAAAAAAAY too young to be on here, or is an absolute master troll.

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  • memeboy said:
    The horse on the bottom is a boy right? So where did the penis enter his body? So weird to think about...

    Maybe he just wanted the guy to have a vagina so much that one appeared like with what happened with Chris Weston Chandler

    This site has so many of these comments, but you can't bring yourself to believe they're children. Which only leaves confused uneducated spergies, or just bored baiters.

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  • DahRavager said:
    This site has so many of these comments, but you can't bring yourself to believe they're children. Which only leaves confused uneducated spergies, or just bored baiters.

    the real confusing thing is that nobody seems to read or understand the second sentence

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  • memeboy said:
    the real confusing thing is that nobody seems to read or understand the second sentence

    The second sentence being "So where did the penis enter his body?"
    I think they understood what that meant :P

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  • DarkSonic said:
    The second sentence being "So where did the penis enter his body?"
    I think they understood what that meant :P

    the second paragraph is what i meant

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  • memeboy said:
    the real confusing thing is that nobody seems to read or understand the second sentence

    Looks like severely dated memes to me. And it seems you still don't seem to understand what a butthole is.

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  • memeboy said:
    The horse on the bottom is a boy right? So where did the penis enter his body? So weird to think about...

    Maybe he just wanted the guy to have a vagina so much that one appeared like with what happened with Chris Weston Chandler

    Poor guy was just joking and got 100+ dislikes

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  • furmeister said:
    Insert obligatory "but thats where i poop" line

    Lmao that's usually what pushes me away from anal but holy shit in this comic it's done so well I don't even care

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