sylvia and violet (nintendo and etc) created by rilex lenov
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This piece comes with a short story

Violet and Sylvia ST

"Violet and Sylvia have known eachother since they first met as a Ralts and Kirlia through their then future husbands. Over the months and years, they’ve gotten to know one another and eventually formed a unique, unbreakable bond that would be impossible to reproduce with any other Gardevoir or person. What started as friendship quickly turned into best friends and from there blossomed into something much more intimate and beautiful. Being the guardians of their husbands sometimes causes great stress to Violet and Sylvia. When the fear and worry of things outside their control - things such as traffic accidents, natural disasters, and disease - begins to overwhelm them, they know they can find comfort in the other’s embrace to ease the load of being a protector. For the time they are together in each-other's embrace, they can stop being guardians and simply relax, immersing themselves in comfort and pleasure. While different from the love they have for their husbands, the love they share with one another is just as genuine and runs just as deep. The trust Violet places in Sylvia and vice versa can only be described as being absolute. Their husbands are aware of the stress that Violet and Sylvia feel watching over them due to their busy lifestyles and the many dangers that life presents. For this reason, they encourage them to find peace in one another to ease their worries. Although the two are happiest in their husband's arms, even a Gardevoir needs a Gardevoir sometimes. In the end, their love and loyalty to each other and their husbands remains unshaken, and the intimacy they experience with each other has allowed them both to grow as Gardevoir in ways that wouldn’t have been possible otherwise." -Blueman282 and Polyvoir

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