Character: queen sectonia
post #509832
Queen Sectonia is a character from Kirby Triple Star Deluxe, acting as the main antagonist for the main game. Her form was corrupted by the magic she used so that she appears as a robust wasp-like creature, striped with gold and indigo, and decorated with ornamental uniform and jewelery, the latter of which mainly consists of heart shapes.
post #1095159
Her true form, prior to corruption, was a bit more relatable to a spider, similar to Taranza. The actual colors she sported are unknown, as this form was only revealed through a purple-goop clone.
In Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe collectible masks can be aquired, among them there is a mask with her face on it which is called "Old Friend".
In Kirby's Dream Buffet NPC Kirbys will randomly use one of ~180 pre determined names. Among these is a name labeled "Q.Jaronia" which in the original japanese version is labeled "タランザ&ジョロニア" (Taranza & Joronia).
While it not explicitely confirms sectonias name being Jaronia it is heavily implied, as such some fans use the name "Jaronia" for this form