Species: canine

post #1138955 post #1681445 post #2402233 post #1285437

The subfamily of caninae, which contains all extant canid species and most recent fossil relatives. "Canine" refers specifically to members of the caninae subfamily. Therefore, use canid to search the entire dog family and canine to search for the caninae subfamily.

Note that there are several animals called "wolf" and "fox" but are not related to wolves or foxes, such as the maned wolf, ethiopian wolf, bat-eared fox, and grey fox. Please keep this in mind when tagging and searching.

Genera and species:

Real-world hybrids:


General anatomy

More information:


The following tags are aliased to this tag: articwolfgirl, canines, caninie, cannine, cnaine, dog_boy, dog_girl, dogboy, doggirl, fox_boy, fox_girl, foxboy, foxgirl, k9, lap-dog, mongrel, vixengirl, wolf_boy, wolf_girl, wolfboy, wolfgirl (learn more).

This tag implicates canid (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: african_wild_dog, bush_dog, canine_humanoid, canine_taur, canis, dhole, dire_wolf, fox, maned_wolf, mythological_canine, raccoon_dog, short-eared_dog, warg, werecanine (learn more).

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